- Dr.Farokh J.Master.

Much has been written about Latrodectus Mactans consequences of its bite. This spider is found in South America and also in the Southern States of North America.


Other species of Latrodectus are

Latrodectus tridecimguttatus the Malmignatte of Southern Europe.

Latrodectus lugubris The Karakurt of Russia.

Latrodectus hasselti the Katipo of New Zealand.

Source, Pharmacognosy

It is prepared from a small female spider of the Araneida family, which is rather obese and black all over except for a red or orange marking in the shape of an hour glass on the ventral aspect of the belly. The body of this full-grown female measures about half an inch in length and has eight one-inch long sprangling legs.

After mating, the female eats the male, which is much smaller in size compared to the female. Hence it is known as the "Black Widow Spider."

It fetters its prey which may be many times its own size and weight in a very strong mantle of silk strands, then approaches and injects its venom through the chelicerae or fangs, a pair of claws in the region of the mouth. In a few minutes, the struggle of the victim cease.

The spider prefers to reside in dim and remote haunts away from public notice.

The mother tincture is prepared from the whole spider.

Action of the Venom

The venom of this spider is probably the most virulent as seen from the fact, that it has only about 1/200th of the amount of poison carried by the Prairie Rattler and yet it is about 15 times as potent.

The action of the venom is mainly neurotropic and is characterised by

Generalised muscular cramps, spasms and rigidity.

Sensation of constriction `Spider fetters its prey'. Haemorrhage of black blood.

Slow vascular spasm at the extremities.

Shivers, profuse cold sweat and pain which is very similar to angina pectoris.

General pruritus.

Desquamation of hands and feet.

Sleeplessness. Restlessness.

Mentally upset with a fear of going insane if a firm control is not exercised.

Difficulty in breathing and talking.

Slow action of the heart.

The crude provings of this venom was done by John Bradbury and Dr. A. W. Blair.

It was introduced into the Materia Medica by Jones and Tafel in 1889.

The venom causes interference to the passage of the nerve impulse at the neuromuscular junction where normal response depends on the release of acetylcholine. The venom causes premature release of all the acetylcholine, thus delaying the nerve impulse. But this is only a partial explanation of the biochemical effects of the venom.

Appearance of the Patient

The patient has an expression of grave anxiety with extreme fear of dying and has a characteristics gait bent forward with the hands held against the abdomen and the movement of the legs is achieved slowly and with difficulty. Speech may be difficult.




It has an action on the heart causing a typical angina pectoris picture accompanied by restlessness and prostration.

General chilliness especially icy coldness of the extremities.

Chilly but has flushes of heat.

Left sidedness.

Profuse perspiration.

Severe prostration but the patient cannot remain still due to great restlessness.

Extreme restlessness which does not allow the patient to sleep.

Pains severe, constriction, cramping.

come and go in waves, like labor pains.

Soreness of muscles especially to touch.

Haemorrhages thin, watery blood.



(Corresponds to the feelings of a person facing death).

Extreme state of nervous irritation.

Fear of going mad.

Fear of losing breath and dying.

Fear of dying. Feels that death is approaching.

Sensitive to noise. Oversensitiveness.

Restlessness. Constant tossing about. Ultimately mental prostration sets in brainfag.

Shrieks, screams, moans, whines and shouts with pain.

Unrestrained and causeless crying in usually emotionally stable, strong men.


Occipital headache.

Constrictive, congestive pain.

(<) 2.50 3.00 P.M. Mouth Lips cracked. Tongue white coated. hypertrophy of lingual papillae. trembling Increased salivation. Increased thirst for cold water vomits what he drinks. Appetite is ravenous or absent. Stomach and Abdomen Sensation of pain or sinking at the epigastrium. Nausea, vomiting of black blood which ameliorates. Board like hardness of abdominal wall No tenderness, but cramps on palpation. Distention of abdomen is only slightly relieved by the passage of flatus. Eructations. Absolute inactivity of the rectum Atony. Stools are black. Respiratory System Dyspnoea, almost going into apnoea, slow laboured respiration with an uncontrollable expiratory grunt. Difficulty in breathing due to muscle spasm. Throat dry and congested. Pain on swallowing. Cardio Vascular System Violent constrictive precordial pain extending to axilla and down the left arm, forearm to the tips of the fingers; with numbness and paresis of the affected limb. Angina Pectoris cramping pain from chest to abdomen. Pulse Rapid Upto 130 beats minute Weak, feeble, thready; almost impalpable. Vascular hypotonia (or paradoxal hypertonia) Hot flushes. Swelling of ankles and puffiness of face. (<) damp. (<) before thunderstorm. (<) night. Urinary System Paralysis of Urinary bladder leading to retention of urine (>) by warm application, (>) sitting in a hot bath, (>) by puring warm water, over the perineum.

Urine Red, albuminous, with casts.

with burning.


Erections frequent

Testicular pain more on right side.

(<) movement. Perspiration in the genital region. Female Menstruation Suppressed Scanty Delayed. Extremities Spastic paresis with increased reflexes. Paraesthesia of lower limb with difficulty in raising lower limbs because of spasm of hip extensor muscles. Tenderness of calf muscles on palpation. Burning and stinging of soles of feet, as if they were on fire. Tingling numbness of hands and feet. Cramps from the nape to the loins. Cramps, weakness. Clonic spasms and trembling of whole body. Back Shooting, cramping pains in lumbar region a feeling as if back was broken. Skin Increased hypersensitivity of skin. Soles of feet burn as if on fire. Icy cold like marble; even in fever. Bluish skin. Cold perspiration. Formication hypersensitivity of skin. Painful to touch in the lumbar, sacral region and hips and upper thighs. Sleep Anxious, disturbed Insomnia. Dreams Dreams of flying. Modalities (<) change of weather (>) Hot bath

(<) Damp (>) Sitting quietly

(<) Before thunderstorm.

(<) Night

(<) Alcohol

(<) Exercise

(<) Slightest movement, exertion.


Compare Latrodectus Katipo and other Arachnida, Heloderma (coldness).

Lach, Spig, Cimic., Cact., Kalm., Lycopus in Angina Pectoris.



Latrodectus Mactans, even though it is indicated for angina pectoris, I have used this remedy in a case of Carcinoma of the Bronchus with multiple bony metastasis where there was a sharp, shooting pain which used to come and go like waves. The patient was extremely chilly and restless with pain. Latrodectus Mactans 30 was used to reduce and palliate the complaints of the patient for long.


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