- Dr.Farokh Master.


Severe headache in the temples as if the skull were being crushed in a vice. (Glon, Lach, Bell) (<) menses (<) if not eating regularly (<) lying down (<) stooping (<) heat warmth of the bed (>) uncovering head (>) cool, open air (>) gentle movement (Pub).

Hunger headaches (<) waking in the morning (Iod, Kali c, Phos Sang, Sil) (>) eating

Also, catarrhal headaches (<) when nasal discharge stopped up (Merc, Kali iod) Hair fall, becomes grey early, premature baldness after abdominal affections; parturition. Deep furrows on forehead in abdominal, pulmonary and brain affections; also in misers. VERTIGO: Giddiness noticed in the morning, after rising from bed and also when looking at anything turning. EYES: Half open eyes. Swelling of the lids with sticky discharge. Sparks, flickerings before the eyes. Styes on the lids towards the inner canthus. Vertical hemianopia; only the left half of the object may be seen. EARS: The conditions that call for Lycopodium are Otitis media with thick yellow offensive discharge with deafness. Various forms of tinnitus. Sensation as if hot blood is rushing into the ears. Every noise causes a peculiar echo in the ear. Eczema of the pinna and skin behind the ear with presence of crusts and fissures behind the ear, especially on the right side. FACE: Yellowish, withered, shriveled, emaciated; old looking. Mouth hangs open. Twitchings and flushes of heat. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM :- NOSE : Fan like motion of alae nasi in brain, lung and abdominal troubles. (Ant-t, Chel, Iod, Phos, Spong) Chronic coryza. Nose stopped up; ((<) night) (Am-c, Sambucus, Nux Von) snuffles, has to blow the nose often and therefore breathes through the mouth. Feeling of dryness in the nose posteriorly. Tendency to take cold at least provocation with involvement of the frontal sinuses with formation of yellow or green crusts and much thick yellow tenacious nasal discharge. (Arg n, Kali bi, Kali s, Merc, Nat s) THROAT : Sore throat possibly with ulceration, starts on the right side. (<) swallowing cold fluids (>) warm drinks They may complain of a sensation of "a ball was rising up into the throat causing a choking feeling or a tight feeling in the throat when swallowing." Various other odd sensations have been noted in the throat, e.g. "presence of sulphur fumes in the throat"; sensation of contraction in the throat with a constant desire to swallow saliva. Chronic enlargement of tonsils. Diphtheria - deposit spread from right to left.


Cough - dry, tickling, teasing in puny boys with emaciation.

(<) empty swallowing (<) deep breathing A sudden violent cough from tickling as if a feather or crumb in the larynx. Cough causes a severe headache (<) stretching throat (<) on descending. Feeling of tightness in the chest as if it were constricted with burning. Difficult respiration; short, rattling breathing with wheezing (<) lying on back (<) walking fast Concomitant : flapping of alae nasi. Maltreated unresolved pneumonia involving base of right lung; stubborn bronchitis with salty, greenish - yellow expectoration. (Kali carb) ALIMENTARY SYSTEM :- MOUTH : Salty or putrid taste in the mouth Teeth tend to become yellow and discoloured Toothache (<) chewing with swelling of cheek (>) warm application Tongue dry, heavy, swollen Tip of the tongue feels scalded, sore.

Dryness of the mouth without thirst; saliva dries on palate and lips. Lower jaw drops; in fever.


An important symptom in Lycopodium is severe heartburn; incomplete burning eructations rising into the pharynx and then burning for hours. It is prolonged and probably associated with pyloric spasm. Hunger with quick satiety; eating ever so little creates fullness. Also, canine hunger-the more he eats the more he craves (Kent Repertory - Appetite : ravenous - canine - eating increases the hunger : Only remedy Lycopodium -3 marks). Gastric distress may come on immediately after eating; Epigastrium distended, heaviness by a mere mouthful of food or two. Epigastric anxiety. Gnawing pain in the stomach (>) hot water.


3 sweets; 2 delicacies pastries alcohol; 3 brandy; 2 bread; 2 cold drinks; 2 warm drinks; 2 oysters; 1 sour; 2 sugar.


1 pastries; 2 bread; 2 coffee; 1 fat-rich food; 2 meat; 1 onions; 1 salt; 1 solid food; 1 sour acids; 3 sweets; 1 water.


3 hot food; 2 warm drinks.


1 beans & peas; 3 farinaceous; 3 flatulent food; 3 cabbage; 3 oysters; 2 bread; 2 carrots; 3 chocolates; 2 coffee; 2 cold drinks; 2 food; 2 dry food; 1 eggs; 2 fat; 2 fruits; 1 heavy food; 1 herring; 1 indigestible things; 2 milk; 3 onions; 1 salad; 1 salt; 2 sardines; 2 sauerkraut; 2 sight of food; 2 shell fish; 1 starch food; 2 sweets; 2 turnips; 3 wine.


Lycopodium has a special relation to the colon with much flatulence; noisy flatulence with much rumbling and irregular colonic spasm, incarceration of flatus causing distention of the abdomen. The flatulence causes a sensation of something pressing outward in the right inguinal region. Clothing has to be loosened for relief and leaning forward gives some temporary comfort and also (>) passing flatus. Flatus passed is non-odorous.

Liver - sensitive congested; Chronic hepatitis; atrophic liver; nutmeg liver; Ascites from liver disease. Lycopodium is also often indicated when the liver is affected with localized tenderness in the right hypochondrium, especially in viral hepatitis. Also, when there are recurrent bilious attacks or actual bile duct spasms. Lycopodium shares with Crocus, Puls & Thuja the rather common complaint of "something alive moving about or a hard body rolling in the abdomen, especially when turning on the right side." It shares with Bell sensation of clutching. "A hand in the abdomen clutching the guts." Constipation of children; Constipation resulting from abuse of purgatives associated with anal spasm; a sensation of incomplete evacuation after passage of stool and also ineffectual urging-a symptom shared with Nux-Vom. The diameter of the stool varies according to the degree of spasm of the anal sphincter muscles.

Constipation when away from home or traveling. Stools small, difficult; first part is hard, is difficult to expel; last part is soft or thin and gushing. Kent repertory-Chilliness in the rectum before stools. Lyc2 - only remedy. Other rectal symptoms are - pressure and tearing pain in the rectum; piles which tend to prolapse, bleed (>) hot bathing. (Aloe, Nux-v, Sulph)


Right sided renal colic - aching pain in the loins before urination (>) emptying bladder. Urine scanty; red sand in (Berb v, Nit ac, Sepia); slow in coming. Children cry before urination. Tendency to shiver at the close of urination. Much frequency with the passage of large tie quantities of pale urine. Nocturia is common, the bladder having to be emptied several times during the night. Renal lithiasis with colic, especially if right sided associated with chronic nephritis (Bar-p, Berb-v, Canth, Os-c).



Has proved of value in psychogenic impotence; sexual exhaustion; erections feeble in old people (S3 - Lyco3). Falls asleep during coition. (Agar, Calad, Con, Phos)


Irregularities of menstruation. Severe menorrhagia with clots. Metrorrhagia with passage of dark blood and large clots. Great depression and irritability before menses which is relieved when the flow commences as is the case with Lachesis. A curious sensation may be experienced as if "gas were discharged per vaginum." - Physometra (Brom) Vagina dry, burning (Ars, Ferr, Graph, Sep) (<) during coition (Kreos) Leucorrhoea acrid, milky, periodical (<) before full moon. Cutting pain from right to left ovary. Ovarian tumors with dropsy. Rawness of nipples, sore, fissured, bleed easily. Foetus seems to be turning somersaults. (Thuja). CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM :- The circulatory atonia associated with the remedy results in a tendency to get short of breath and distressed on exertion. Palpitation with flapping of Alae nasi (<) night, lying on right side. Aneurysm, aortic disease. LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM :- Severe backache with stiffness (<) sitting erect, (<) movement (>) heat, (>) passage of large quantities of urine. Lumbago (<) slightest motion. Burning as from hot coals between the scapulae. (Berb v, Kali-bi, Med, Nux v, Phos, Sulph) A tearing pain in the right side of the neck extending downwards to the shoulder, arms and fingers. One foot hot, other cold. Profuse, foetid footsweat. Sciatica - right sided (<) pressure cannot lie on painful side (>) hot application (>) walking. Knees - feels as if they would "give out" (Ruta) Soreness and swelling of joints, especially small joints (>) gentle movements. Varicose veins on the legs (Puls, Vipera). Oedema of the feet usually associated with Ascites in liver disease (Acetic-ac, Kali-c).


Dry - especially palms. Rawness in folds; intertrigo - persistent. Urticaria chronic (<) warmth. Eczema associated with urinary, gastric and hepatic disorders. Boils which do not mature but remain blue. Chronic indolent ulcers which are painful, stinging, burning and smarting. (<) heat (>) cool applications.


Child starts, becomes cross, kicks, holds mother on waking. Drowsy during the day, sleeps all day and cries all night. Dreams


Amorous - ANXIOUS - anxious - worse lying left side - boat, on a foundering - body parts, temples painful - business - confused - continuation of dreams after waking - disease - FRIGHTFUL FRIGHTFUL, waking him - giants - jealousy - MANY - MISFORTUNE - noise - pains - trees - unremembered - visionary - VIVID - water


Coldness, icy, partial of single parts, head, stomach, abdomen, throat (<) coughing. Fever continuous, remittent, intermittent. Chill followed by another chill, then vomits. Chill after first sleep. Sweat foul, viscid; axillary, of the feet; like onions.


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