Myxoedema and Cretinism- (Hypo-thyroidism).


There are certain circumstances of unknown origin by reason of which the Thyroid gland ceases to function. The result is Myxoedema of Cretinism, the first being a disease of advanced life, the second of early years.

Cretinism may be congenital, the gland being absent. More commonly it atrophies after one of the fevers. Where goitre (q.v.) is epidemic, cretinism occurs; the gland is enlarged in these cases, but not functioning.

SYMPTOMS OF CRETINISM.- The child (in a congenial case) is mentally slow or deficient. The tissue is thin and the skin dry. The face is pale and the eyelids are puffy, the whole body gradually acquires a swollen appearance. The fontanelles remain open; there is great muscular weakness. Imbecility is the rule in regard to the mental condition. If Cretinism follows fever or goitre these symptoms appear in individuals who may till then have been bright and well developed. The words stunted growth and feeble mind sum up the condition.

SYMPTOMS OF MYXOEDEMA.- This is a disease of adults, much more common in women then in men, but not related to menstruation or pregnancy. The general bulk of the body increases, the skin is swollen in a firm inelastic way, which does not pit on pressure, and is dry, rough and non-perspiring. The hair falls off. The features become thick and shapeless, and the gait heavy and slow. Temperature is often subnormal and patients feel the cold excessively. The mental condition is one of stupidity and slowness, with slow, hesitating, toneless speech and defective memory. Dementia with delusions may supervene. The sufferers are very liable to tuberculosis, which generally kills untreated cases. Post mortem the thyroid gland is found atrophied. The whole bodily energy is reduced by twenty to forty per cent. It is a slow progressive disease and may last for years. It may follow Exophthalmic Goitre (q.v.).

Treatment is as certain and successful as in any known disease. The absent gland secretion can be supplied by giving the sheep. One grain three times a day is enough at first, and the dose can be increased if necessary, but is as well not to be in a hurry to increase it. Under its use improvement is rapid and a return to normal bodily and mental health almost invariable. If cases are recognised early, before the gland is quite atrophied, the renewed vigour seems to stop the atrophying process nd after health is restored only small doses are needed to maintain it. But it is virtually never possible to do without occasional supplies, and congenital cretins cannot do without regular dosage.

Patients with tendency to myxoedema or Cretinism should be kept warm. Massage is useful. The drugs most likely to be to service are Calcarea Carb., Arsenicum,and Tuberc. Bov. These are not likely to do much without Thyroid, but can supplement its action efficiently.


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