Parasitic Disease of the Intestines - Worms.



The three most common parasites are the following - the Oxyuris Vermicularis (the small thread-worm), and the Ascaris lumbricoides (the long round worm); the Taenia solium (or pork tape-worm), and Taenia saginata (the beef-worm), the common tape- worm of this country. The tape-worm is the least frequent of the three types, and is very rare till after the third year. There are many other worms parasitic on man, but these three are the ones commonly met with.
Round worms.

The OXYURIS, from a quarter to nearly an inch long, is the smallest of the worms that infest the intestines; they often exist in clusters, rolled up in masses of considerable size, chiefly, but not exclusively, in the rectum. They are thread- like, white, and move very rapidly, and when touched contract to nearly one-half their usual length. The term maw worm is sometimes applied to them, from the irritation caused in the stomach by a reflex action. They do not exist in infants fed at the breast, unless other food, especially starch food, is also given, but are often met with in older children, and occasionally in adults. The symptoms to which this variety give rise are, - itching or irritation about the anus, especially troublesome in the evening, depraved or irregular appetite, offensive breath, picking of the nose, straining at stool, disturbed, and more or less general restlessness. The local irritation excited may be very considerable,extend to contiguous parts, and occasion a mucous or bloody discharge from the vagina, and even operate as a cause of masturbation., the same result may occur from direct migration of the worms from the anal to the vaginal or urethral orifice. The frequent but ineffectual desire to go to stool may occasion straining and Prolapsus Ani, effects which may continue after the expulsion of the worms. When the presence of thread-worms is suspected, they may often be found on examination of the stools, or crawling about the radiating folds of the anus after the patient gets warm in bed.

THE ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES is very similar to the common earth - worm, but of a paler colour, sometimes almost white. It is of variable length, from six to fifteen inches, inhabits chiefly the small intestines, when it feeds on the chyle, but hot infrequently pass into the stomach and is vomited; or downwards in to the colon and is ejected with the evacuations. It has been seen in the gall bladder and hepatic duct, has visited the oesophagus, pharynx,and glottis; and has been found in. the air- passages coming by way of the oesophagus, and trachea, causing death by strangulation. Usually not more than one or two re present, but occasionally they exist in numbers. The disease is said to be most common in ill-fed children between the ages of three and ten years. The chief symptoms are, pains and swelling of the abdomen, depraved appetite, foetid breath, slimy stools, tenesmus, itching of the anus, and sometimes chronic Diarrhoea,most trouble some at night,with offensive, scanty, thin motions, much straining, and often prolapse of the bowel. Nervous symptoms are also common, -pallid countenance, dilated pupils, vertigo, disturbed sleep with grinding of the teeth, convulsions, chorea, etc. These symptoms my, however, be due, in part a least to the general functional derangement which favours other production of he parasite, and not alone to direct irritations.

The TAENIA SOLIUM and TAENIA SAGINATA are white, articulated,flattened, vary in length from a few feet to many years, have their habitat in the small intestines, segment of the taenia be left in the bowel it will become a perfect worm; but this is not the case. The worm grows by formation of new segments below the head,. so-called,which is fixed tot he wall of the intestine, Unless this 'head is killed by treatment and expelled,. the worm will grow again. If the articulation be fully developed, and finds a suitable nidus, the germs will escape, but must pass through physiological changes in an intermediate host before they can become perfect worms. The symptoms produced by the presence of a tape-worm are not often well-marked, and it is usually unsuspected till joints are passed in the evacuations;l frequently, however,there are sensations of weight, or gnawing in. the abdomen, often with enlargement about the navel. The appetite is usually excessive,but at the same time the nutritive functions are so imperfect that there is considerable and progressive wasting. There is often itching of the nose and anus, lassitude, and sometimes cramps in the extremities.


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