Prolapsus Ani-Falling of the Bowel.


Definition-A protrusion of the rectum though the anal orifice. If the mucous membrane is alone prolapsed the condition is called prolapsus ani; if the entire thickness of the rectal wall is involved the term 'Prolapsus recti is applied. the order is commonly associated with pile sin adults, and the latter is more common in children.

CAUSES-Long-continued Constipation or diarrhoea, purgatives, straining excited by the presence of worms, enlarged prostate, Stone in the bladder, etc. General laxity of structure may predispose to the complaint, or at any rate aggravate the causes already indicated.

TREATMENT-Ignatia-Is often specific, and i generally the first to be used, especially for infants and children. The indications are-frequent ineffectual urging to stool, straining, difficult passage of faeces. itching, and Prolapse of bowel. A dose thrice daily, for two or three days; afterwards, morning and night.
Prolapsus Ani

Nux Vomica-Prolapsus, with costiveness, and straining at stool, for patients of vigorous constitution.

Mercurius-Prolapsus, with itching, discharge of a yellow mucus (White Piles), and Diarrhoea;hard, swollen abdomen.

Podophyllum-Prolapsus accompanying diarrhoea, with training and offensive stools; irritation rom teething,etc.

Lycopodium-Obstinate cases, and when other remedies only partially cure.

Sulphur-For similar conditions.

Gamboge, Calc-C., Sep., Ars., and Bry., are additional remedies.

ACCESSORY MEASURES-Two points must be steadily kept in view- The return of the Prolapse, and the removal of the cause. the protruded part should be replaced with the forefinger, previously lubricated, carrying it beyond the contracting ring or sphincter tones, the patient should lie down, with buttocks elevated above level of the body, for a short time after the action of the bowels, so as to favour the complete return of the protruded parts, or may defecate in a lateral position last thing at night. Children must not be allowed to sit staining ineffectual at stool. If the bowel comes down after being replaced, the child may be left in its cot with body low,and buttocks, elevated, until the anal sphincter regains its tone.

Bathing the parts, and the body generally, every morning in cold water, help to impart tone to the relaxed structures. The diet should be plain and nourishing, and include such varieties of roof as favour the healthy action of the bowels. If, as is most frequent the case, Indigestion, Constipation, or Worms cause the complaint,t the treatment recommended in. the Section devoted to those disorders should be carried out.


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