Pruritus Ani-Itching of the Anus.


DEFINITION-A peculiar itching of the anus, at first of a voluptuous character, but afterwards violent and almost unbearable.

SYMPTOMS-Crawling, tingling, irritating sensations about the anus, often most troublesome at night, as the patient gets warm in bed, and preventing sleep. It is frequently complicated with an excoriated or fissured condition of he anus.

CAUSES-Irritation of Piles; worms; Pediculi; habitual taking of opium or Chloral; lodgment of faeces; suppressed period., or any suddenly-suppressed discharge of cutaneous eruption. Frequently, itching of he anus is only a symptom of disease of the liver, of some portion of he digestive apparatus, especially the rectum, or of some apt immediate proximity thereto. The primary cause must, therefore be removed or relieved.
Pruritus Ani

The patient must strenuously endeavour to avoid scratching the part, as this invariably aggravates the condition.

TREATMENT-Sulph., Ac.-Nit., Lyc., Ant.-C., ARs., Nat. Mur. and ointments of Hamamelis, Calendula and AEsculus. The selection of the remedy must be guided by the cause of the affection by the symptoms present. The local use of dilute Carbolic Acid(five drops to the ounce of water), generally gives great and speedy relief.


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