

Beside the Thyroid gland are two pairs of small glands called Parathyroids. They control the dealings of the body with Calcium (lime). When this is interfered with by disease of these glands, the nerve muscular system becomes over-excitable, and spasms of muscles of the extremities occur. This condition is Tetany.

The disease may be epidemic, may follow infections. In adults gastro-intestinal symptoms are common, and the fundamental cause may be an intestinal toxaemia acting specially on parathyroids. In children it is common with rickets (q.v.), and other nutritive disorders (see Laryngismus Stridulus).

SYMPTOMS.- The spasms are the characteristic feature. The arms are flexed across the chest, the two last finger-joints extended and the first joints flexed. The thumb is flexed into the palm. There is planter flexion of feet and toes, and the legs are extended. Other groups of muscles may be involved in face or elsewhere; spasm of the larynx is possible; pain is rare. The liability to spasm may persist for days or weeks.

Children generally recover. In adults peri-nuclear cataract has followed a prolonged attack.
Tetany hand

TREATMENT.- During the attack, cool baths or cold sponging, or sometimes very hot sponging relieve, and Belladonna or Nux Vomica should be given. Between attacks the remedy most likely to help is Calc. Carb. Rare doses of high potencies should be tired, for although non-homoeopathists prefer five to fifteen grains of Calcium Lactate frequently and persistently, the disease seems associated, not with Calcium deficiency, but with inability to handle Calcium, and the stimulus of a potentized drug is more likely to be effective than that of massive dose.


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