- Dr.Farokh J.Master.

Orange spider The spider is found in the West Indies, chiefly in the island of Curagoa. It is about the size of a cherry stone and is found on orange trees. The spider is velvety black when young, with antero posterior lines composed of white dots, on posterior part of the body there are three orange-red spots and a large square yellow spot on the belly. It is very poisonous. The spider belongs to the family Argelenidae.


The poison produces a highly sensitive, nervous condition with weakness, trembling, coldness, anxiety, faintness and easily excited cold sweat. There is marked affinity for the bony structures as well as to the nervous organs they enclose. It produces auditory hyper-sensitivity and dizziness.


It was introduced and proved by Herring in 1832. The alcoholic tincture is prepared from crushed live spiders.


It acts most effectively on nervous, hypersensitive people who feel that time passes to quickly.


Marked oversensitivity to noise (Noises causes nausea, vertigo, chills, and pains all over; seems to penetrate the body.

Time appears to pass rapidly, although he does little. Despair; want of self confidence. Tries to occupy himself constantly, but finds pleasure in nothing.

Inclined to be startled (Startled by least things) Talkative after spirituous beverages.


Every shrill sound penetrates the body.


Theridion is most often a remedy, for women.

When we find the combination of vertigo, insomnia and tremendous oversensitivity to noise, Theridion is the remedy.

Extremely chilly patient.

Extreme sensitiveness during puberty, during pregnancy and climacteric years.

Most complaints are accompanied by vertigo.

Closing the eyes aggravate, (Nausea and vertigo)

Sea sickness.

Bones seem broken (rickets, caries, necrosis of bones).

Pain in all the bones. Weakness, Coldness in body parts. Tetanus with trismus; has an affinity for the tubercular diathesis.



< closing eyes Vertigo with nausea (Lach)

< Motion Vertigo with headache.

< riding in a car Hysterical Vertigo.

< Noise

< Sleep on going to

< Sleep after

< Turning on.


Location Forehead extents to the occiput Eyes behind (L) eye.


Sensation Band like at the root of the nose Pulsating.

< closing, on, eyes

< Noise

< Noise from rattling of vehicles (Nitric acid)

< heat of sun

< lying down must sit or walk



Sensitive to light, Objects look double. Dull pressure behind eyes < closing eyes. Nausea, vomiting, vertigo < closing eyes.

Throbbing over left eye.

Luminous vibrations before eyes.


Least noise < Every shrill sound penetrates the body, esp., teeth, < vertigo; cannot bear loud noises rushing in ears like a waterfall, with impaired hearing. Roaring in ears.


Thick, yellowish green offensive discharge from nose. Ozaena. Pressure in root of nose and heaviness. Sneezing in evening, with coryza.


Face-pale. Jaw unmovable in morning on waking; and at other timed of the day, then opening involuntarily.


Every shrill sound penetrates the teeth. Sensation as if cool water were too cold.

Biting of tongue sleep during.


Craving for oranges & bananas. Increased desire to smoke tobacco.Thirst for wine and brandy. Nausea, vomiting < closing eyes and, motion seasickness. Stinging pain on left side over anterior aspect of spleen. Burning in liver region. Desires dry rice. Aversion to meat. Nausea after cold drinks.


Spasmodic contraction of rectum and anus. Stools-papescent. Scanty, urgent. stool difficult towards the end, though not hard.


Pain in upper left chest. Pain in left floating ribs. Pinching in left pectoral muscles. Violent cough with spasmodic jerking of head forwards and knees upwards.


Cardiac anxiety and pain. Pain radiates to arm and left shoulder. Pulse slow with vertigo.


Sensitiveness between vertebrae. Stinging pains, sits sideways in a chair to avoid pressure against spine.

Spinal irritation. Curvature of spine in growing girls.


Hard pimple beside ball of thumb. Itching stinging thrusts everywhere.


Sleepy in the morning. Deep sleep at night. He often bites tip of his tongue during sleep. Dreams of journey in distant regions and of riding on horses. Dreams that he broke off a tooth.


Shaking chill with foam at mouth with headache and vomiting. Icy sweat covering body with fainting, vertigo and vomiting at night.


Ailments from sea travelling, riding, washing clothes.




riding in a carriage or ship

jar, noise


left side

Clinical conditions

Auditory hyperaesthesia

Menieres disease

Rickets, caries, necrosis.

Curvature of spine

In scrofula, where the best selected remedies fail to relieve.


Antidoted by Aconite (Sensitiveness to noise)

Mosch (Nausea)

Graph (More chronic effects)

Remedies that precede well Sulph, Calc-c Lyc.


Hemicrania, worse from closing eyes & noise Sep. Vertigo & faintness worse closing eyes Lach, Thuja Cannot bear scratching of line, silk or crackling of paper Asar, Ferr-m, Tarax.

Time passes too slowly Arg-n, Cann-i, Nux-m, Glon.

Time passes too quickly Cocc.

Nasal catarrh; thick, yellow or greenish offensive Puls, Thuj.

Headache < lying down Lach.

Bites tongue in sleep Ph-ac (bites sides)

Theri (bites tip)

Effect of washing clothes Phos.

Case 1

An old lady with Multi infact dementia presented with vertigo and insomnia. vertigo was accompanied with nausea and was worse on going to sleep. In order to avoid work, this patient would feign and have hysterical symptoms and make her children do all the work.

The following symptoms were selected to prescribe Theridion

Hysteria .

Vertigo, closing eyes on, nausea with.

Vertigo, motion from, vomiting and nausea.

Vertigo, nausea with

Vertigo, nausea with, closing eyes on.

Vertigo, sleep during.

Vertigo, sleep on going to.

Vertigo, sleeping after aggravates.

Vertigo, vomiting with.

Sleeplessness, midnight before.

Sleeplessness, vertigo from.

Waking, nausea from.

Waking, vertigo from.

Few does of Theridion 30 were prescribed on the above rubrics and fair improvement was seen in the condition of the patient.

Case 2

A 76 years old Parsi woman, suffering from sinusitis Bronchitis (C.O.P.D.) and Osteo arthritis was being treated with Phosphorus. In general, she had improved a lot in her complaints except for Vertigo.

After going through the full case and past follow-up, I collected the symptoms she had given with the complaint of Vertigo, and they were as follows

Vertigo < at night.

Vertigo always associated with insomnia.

Patient wakes up from sleep because of vertigo, sometimes full night is very restless because of vertigo.

Giddiness < movement of head.

Heaviness of left frontal region of head.

Initially Theridion 30 was given twice a day and patient showed considerable improvement but later there was a status quo, hence the potency was stepped up to 200 and the patient showed improvement by 80 Percent. Still, the patient is on Theridion.


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