TREATMENT. Except perhaps in the case of that form of malignant disease termed rodent ulcer, there is, at the present day, no means of treating a malignant tumour in the early stages of its growth, which holds out a sufficient hope of effecting a cure to justify recourse to it rather than in resorting at once to removal by operation. Unfortunately in the majority of cases of malignant disease, it is the presence of metastases which render the condition inoperable.

Operation for a malignant tumor may sometimes be justified, even when a cure is not obtained, if the patient's life is prolonged in a condition of comparative comfort, or even if life is not prolonged, if the distress and suffering due to the primary growth are relieved.

The treatment cannot be commenced too early. There is no single remedy which is capable of curing every given case of Cancer; but cases of even advanced Cancer have been cured by different remedies. Each case must be treated according to its own peculiarities. And in those cases which are beyond the reach of actual cure, the sufferings attendant on this malady may be greatly alleviated, and life prolonged, by the use of our remedies.

Arsenicum. - In many cases in our own practice we have witnessed the priceless value of this remedy, in different attenuations, perseveringly administered, these cases having been marked by the severe pain and the general cachexia of true Cancer. The utility of this drug is also often expressed by the restoration and maintenance of the patient's general health. Ars. in low dilutions, or Flower's Solution, we have found most remedial.

Hydrastis has been extolled, and is undoubtedly useful when the Cancer involves the glands or the uterus. We use it both internally and externally.

Conium. - Scirrhus of the breast, following a local injury.

Carbo Animalis has effected much improvement in the discharges of Cancer, and has also revived the dormant energies of the system.

Thuja may be chiefly depended on in the simpler varieties of tumors.

Aurum. - Cancerous affection of the bones.

Aconitum (Radix). - The writer, in a recent case of Cancer, of a very virulent character, found the strong tincture of Acon. of more service than any other remedy. Its power in relieving the agonizing sufferings of the patient was striking; even when Opium, Morphia, etc., by hypodermic injection, could not be borne, Acon. lulled the pain, calmed the nervous excitement, and procured that much-needed blessing, sleep. It was given at first in half-drop doses of the strong tincture, and gradually increased till two or three drops could be taken.

Lapis Albus has acquired some repute in uterine Cancer in the hands of Dr. Grauvogl.

Phos., Bell., Sulph., Kreas., Sepia., Secale., Iod., Ac-Carbol., Galium Ap., Hydrocotyle, Sang., K. - Brom., Plat., and Calc. may prove useful.

ACCESSORY MEASURES. - In ulcerated cancerous tumours the foetor may be greatly diminished, and the patient's and attendant's comfort promoted, by solutions of Carbolic Acid, Peroxide of Hydrogen, Permanganate of Potash, etc., or Iodoform powder dusted on locally; also the internal and external use of Carbo Vegetabilis or Charcoal. Charcoal poultices are soothing. Chlorate of Potash in small crystals or powder may be sprinkled over open sores, and covered with a wet compress. Freshly ground Coffee is a deodorizer.

Dr. Cooper has recommended an ointment of Ruta, made by extracting the fresh plant in Vaseline. The value of this has been frequently verified, and Dr. Cooper has had some success with occasional doses at long intervals of the strong tincture of certain vegetable remedies, among which may be mentioned- Scrophularia Nodosa, Lobelia Erinus, Ornithogalum, and Ruta.


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