-Dr.Farokh Master.
The sensitive patient is not particularly muscular - narrow thorax and large abdomen which is swollen and distended after meals making the stomach look somewhat like a frog's when lying down. The lower limbs are frail and varicosed.

The face is yellowish, wrinkled, and appears to be older than the patient really is. The hair is prematurely grey. The eyes are alive and intelligent looking ; this contrasts with the patients otherwise physically run-down appearance.

Female patients are most often amenorrheic girls with small breasts, windows who are tormented by continence, or pre- menopausal women who have the same problems.

. Children look oldish ; they wake up in a foul mood and are often anorexic. They have no self-confidence, but are anxious to succeed in their studies at any cost. They are inclined to suffer from cephalalgia because they work too hard at school, and are prone to facial tics.


Pierre Joly describes this type of patient in the following way : "Lycopodium is first of all appropriate for very intelligent individuals with a sharp, quick wit. They are difficult to live with and bad-humored (Particularly upon awakening). They are apt to have violent but rare fits of rage. They are authoritative and cannot bear being contradicted.

Underneath this domineering appearance there is really deep, hidden anxiety and a lack of self-confidence despite their usual success.

During a second stage the physical symptoms will affect the mind. Intellectual effort becomes tiring, the memory does not work as well, and the desire to be active and hard-working disappears as does sex drive. The brilliant, domineering Lycopodium subject is slowly replaced by a tearful misanthrope who is always angry and who is just as run-down physically as he is mentally.

PROVING Lycopodium was proved by Hahnemann (1st edition of chronic diseases)

CONSTITUTION Grauvogl's Carbonitrogenoid

MIASM Multimiasmatic, has a short psoric phase with a prolonged tubercular and sycotic phase. Syphilitic phase also very short.

DIATHESIS Lithic and uric-acid diathesis, predisposed to lung and hepatic affections. (Calc-p, Sulph).


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