Bufo rana A case study:


A two days old baby.
The main complaint is dulness and not nursing well.
The baby was born pretty quickly. One hour of pressing-contractions.
The baby has one red cheek (the left) and the other cheek is pale. Some red eruptions in the face.
The tongue is a bit out, going towards the right side (protrudes tongue).
The eyes are closed. The right eyelid is reddish.
There is no reaction, he doesn't open the eyes. He is unable to open the eyes.
He has a stupid, foolish expression. A puffy appearance.
The lips are very dry, the lower lip is crooked. There is white stuff on the lips (is normal).
Eyes, hard to keep open (page 247).

Bufo Rana
AZ: "How did the baby react ?" "He sleeps a lot and doesn't suck enough. He has a lack of energy. He is not able to nurse, he falls asleep." He is not restless. He has a lack of reaction.
The tongue protrudes before nursing, the baby gets quite excited then. The tongue goes to the palate before nursing (Bufo). (The nipple can't penetrate the mouth of the baby by the tongue going to the palate). There is no twitching. Sometimes in sleep he has twitching around the mouth. He makes kind of grimaces with the mouth. He is bluish around mouth. She has to urge him to nurse, he takes pauses.
* Bufo
Rigid when changing the diapers.
Tongue going to the palate before nursing.
Ananda asks the mother to hold the baby, to hold his head straight.

AZ: "Does he have a discharge of the penis, or the nose ?" "No."
After delivery he was very red in the face.
AZ: "Is he starting ?" "No."
AZ: "How was the pregnancy ?" "Normal." The mother worked until the last day. She had a bit of back pain.
AZ: "On changing the diapers, is there a rigidity ?" The mother doesn't know. The nurses reported he was rigid when waking, when changing the diapers (Bufo).
AZ: "Does he bite his tongue ?" "No. In nursing he puts his tongue to the palate."
AZ: "How is his mood on waking ?" "All right."
AZ: "Does he notice his surroundings ?" "Yes, he looks at me."
AZ: "Is he slow ?" The mother doesn't know.
AZ: "Do you ever wake him up ?" "He sleeps a lot, he is quite tired."
The mother thinks he seems hungry, but he doesn't really suck, he just nibbles a bit. He drinks a bit of tea intensely from the bottle.
AZ: "Was the baby with you right after the birth ?" "Yes."
The ears of the baby are a bit low positioned.


The mother needs the remedy also. Observing the mouth she sticks her tongue out and licks her lips. She is not very aware of the baby.

FOLLOW UP (five days after the remedy)
He makes big bubbles.
He drinks a lot better.
He is sensitive to noise.
The skin eruption on the face ameliorated.
The twitching around the mouth is ameliorated.
He opens his eyes more. He has more facial expression.

Bufo Rana
FOLLOW UP (one month after the remedy)
He is more lively.
The rigidity is gone.
He is better on waking.
There is no more starting.
The skin in the face is fine.
The face doesn't flush easily anymore.
The dulness of the face is better, not stupid anymore.
The energy around the mouth is ameliorated. The twitching around the mouth is gone (quite soon). He has no more bubbling.
The tongue is sometimes protruding.

* Bufo babies
Puffy face.
Mental dulness.
Oversensitive to noise.
The ears are low positioned.
Rigid on changing the diapers.
Skin reactions and neurological symptoms.
Protruding tongue. Tongue "up" and "out".
Nurses badly, by dulness or wrong technique.
Everything centres around the mouth, twitching. All kind of movements of the lips and around the mouth. Make big bubbles with the mouth.


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