Cannabis indica - A case study:

Woman, forty one years old.
Her main complaint is dysmenorrhoea and depression before the menses.

She is married and she has an adopted child. She is an American, but her husband is working in Germany, so they live in Germany.

She has PMS and dysmenorrhoea. She is depressed before the menses.
The first thing that strikes is that she is stammering. The stammering started only the last year. It felt like she might be going crazy. The depression is severe, she has periodic suicidal thoughts. Two months before she burnt herself with the iron, it felt good. She has trouble concentrating and speaking. She is very angry and anxious. She has problems handling her child. She has impulses to hurt the child. Fear that she would hurt her child (page 45, page 60), thinking of hurting the child. (Thea, Nux vomica, Sulphur, Mercury, Arsenicum iodatum, Lyssin, Sepia, Cannabis indica).

Cannabis Indica
 She is feeling trapped in Germany since a year. She is feeling alone. She is feeling very angry towards her child. Impulse, fantasy to hurt the child, especially when he had a temper-tantrum in public. The thoughts would come when the child is defiant, difficult to handle. She is not aggressive towards her husband. She feels angry inside. Fear that she won't be able to cope, of losing control. (Cannabis indica, Calcarea, Lycopodium, Mercury).

Knife: "How easy it would be to cut your throat." Or thoughts of breaking the arm of the child.
She has problems putting sentences together and remembering words. She has problems getting her thoughts clear and expres-sing them, problems getting the words out. The problems are worse in Germany and are better in the USA. It started last year, but it was there also before. In Germany it builds up again. It is not really homesickness, but more stress in the strange surroundings. Ananda thinks it is the cultural difference that stresses her immune system. It is worse by the constitutional predisposition. In the USA she has a support system. She is feeling isolated, she has no close friends. She has no work, that is hard.

She sticks the tongue out and puts it back in.
* Cannabis indica

Dry mouth, the tongue goes in and out.
"I feel I am going crazy, losing control."
AZ: "What does that mean losing control, what would happen ?" "Fear that I won't be able to function." She feels that therapies won't work anymore (Cannabis indica). She is desperate, she has been in therapy already elsewhere. She has a fear that nobody can help her.
* Cannabis indica

Has a tremendous despair, they feel that nothing can help them.
She has no time aggravation. She has a trembling feeling inside. She had the last suicidal thoughts one to two months ago.
* Cannabis indica

Dreams all day long, but can't remember the dreams he had at night.
Usually she sleeps well. No dreams. She sleeps on the left or right side, or on the abdomen. She is tired after sleep, she wakes unrefreshed.
Ananda tries to create a safe situation, so she can relate her secrets. Her concentration is difficult. Being quiet, being alone ameliorates. She feels best alone in a small room.

AZ: "Are you very attached to your husband ?" "No."
She doesn't retain very well what she reads.
AZ: "Do you think a long time before answering a question ?" "Yes."
AZ: "Are you in touch with yourself ?" She knows who she is, but she has a low self-esteem. She feels dizzy and slightly spaced out, as if the vision is changing. She stresses the fact that she thinks she is going mad. She feels like going crazy. She knows things that will happen, clairvoyance.

Spaced out rubrics:
Vertigo, floating, as if (page 99).
Mind, delusions, floating in air (page 26).
Mind, confusion, as if in a dream (page 14).
Mind, delusions, everything seems unreal (page 34).
Mind, delusions, familiar things seem strange (page 33).
Absent minded is not spaced out. Spaced out is being mentally in another place.
She has menstrual cramps ten to fourteen days before the period. She is depressed one day before menses.
* Cannabis indica
Exercise ameliorates, it grounds.

Her sex desire is low (once in two weeks).
She is exercising a lot, this ameliorates her. It grounds her. She smoked hash once in the sixties, LSD twice.


FOLLOW UP (six weeks after the remedy)
After three weeks she started to feel well. In the first week: Especially tired and an anxiety around the heart. She had one day of intense depression. She was stammering in the first month, but now it is a lot better. She is much more in control now. There is no hopelessness or fear of insanity (this was gone after two weeks). No spacing out. She can't believe it. She gets along with her child a lot better. "His behaviour is also better."
She sleeps well.
The trembling ameliorated.
The menses ameliorated. She had cramps before her last menses again, but now she is again before her menses and she has no cramps ("really unusual to me").
Probably she needed Cannabis indica from birth.
* Cannabis indica
A very common remedy in the USA. A person needing it may never have had a smoke of Marihuana.


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