Chilblain (Pernio).


DEFINITION.-- An Inflammation of the skin, generally affecting the hands or feet, attended with itching, tingling,burning,swelling, and sometimes Ulceration.

CHAPPED HANDS.-- This affection consists of slight inflammation of the skin of the back of the hands, which becomes cracked or "chapped". It occurs in frosty weather, when it sometimes give rise to much inconvenience and pain. It requires similar external treatment to Chilblains.


CAUSES.-- Exposure to cold, damp, or to sudden changes of temperature; warming the hands and feet by the fire when cold or damp. Delicate persons, with a constitutional predisposition to skin disease, are chiefly affected.


1. Simple Chilblains.-- Arn. Tamus Communis as O as a paint, or Tincture of Myrrh; Bell. (bright red shining swelling, and pulsative pains); Puls. (blue-red appearance, pricking-burning pains, worse towards evening); Rhus. ( inflamed Chilblains with excessive itching). Canth., Sulph. ( great itching increased by warmth; obstinate cases; and to remove the predisposition).

2. Broken or Cracked Chilblains.-- Petrol. (general unhealthy state of the skin, with a tendency to fester); Bell., Agar., Rhus.

3. Ulcerated.-- Ars. ( burning pains); Petrol; Phos. (foetid discharge, and when occurring in unhealthy subjects); Kreas., Ac.-Nit.

4. Frostbite.-- The part should be well rubbed with snow, afterwards with cold water, in a room without a fire, to prevent too sudden reaction.

5. Chapped hands.-- Calc.-C., Graph., Petrol.

LOCAL AND GENERAL TREATMENT.-- All the remedies prescribed may be used both internally and externally-- in strong tincture, or a low dilution, according to the power of the drug, either in the form of lotion or cerate. Arnica, lotion or cerate should never be used for broken Chilblains., Tamus Communis externally applied, in the case if unbroken Chilblains, is an almost infallible cure. Glycerine, Glycerine Jelly, or one part of Glycerine mixed with two parts of Eau-de Cologne, form an excellent remedy for Chilblains, Chapped hands fissures or cracks. It removes the stinging, burning sensations, and makes the parts soft and supple. Ulcerated Chilblains require a poultice, or other mild application, until relieved, The soreness of Chilblains and Chapped hands may be removed or mitigated by applying soft linen rags squeezed out of cold water, and then covered with oiled silk. This compress should be applied on going to bed; it equalize the temperature of the part, improves the nutrition of the skin, and diminishes the tendency to the re- formation of Chilblains.

PREVENTIVES.-- As Chilblains generally occur in persons whose circulation is defective, regular exercise in the open air, the free use of the skipping-rope, and wholesome nutritious diet are necessary to prevent their recurrence. Pork, salted meat, and all irritating or indigestible articles of food should be excluded from the dietary. Extremes of temperature are to be avoided; also cold stone floors, and suddenly approaching the fire after coming from the cold, or warming the feet on the fender, or the hands close to the fire.


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