Cimicifuga racemosa Case study:
A labour case.
The main complaint is rigidity of os during labour.
During labour, you can't take a case, you have got to observe and to think fast and know your materia medica.
She has a rigidity of os during labour, only opened three centimeters after twelve hours. (Add Aconitum (2) to the repertory.) The labour wouldn't progress. She is restless. She is breathing deeply, panting sort of and moving all over the bed. She is screaming hysterically. She rolls the head.
You must do pelvic examination to know if the os is rigid. The os might be soft, but simply hasn't opened. There might be an emotional reason that the cervix doesn't open up.
Respiration, sighing (page 775).
Head, motion, rolling head (page 131).
Respiration, breathing deep (page 766).
Head, motion, throwing head about (page 131).
Genitalia, pains, labour, distressing (page 739).
Genitalia, rigidity of os during labour (page 744).
Extremities, cramps hips, labour, during (page 974).
Genitalia, contractions os, spasmodic, during labour (page 716). Genitalia, labour pains, ineffectual (page 739). (Add Cimicifuga (2) to the repertory.)
She gets a cramping in the legs, back and hips. False labour pains last three to four hours and it stops when lying down.
Prolonged labour pain are lasting two minutes or more. Not in this case, the contractions lasted thirty seconds.
* Cimicifuga
Cramps hips, during labour.
FOLLOW UP (one hour after the remedy)
She had opened five centimeters.
Emotions you have to assess during the contraction, not in between. That will lead you to the remedy. Starting observing is hard then. Get the right rubrics. Find evidence for a remedy, you can't just give one, you have got to be sure.
She gets rigid during the contraction, back to three centimeters. She is very afraid to have another caesarian section, she had one before. She is cramped all over. She fears she can't breathe, and fears that she will faint, or will be unconscious. She has no fear that she will die.
The sound she makes is typically Cimicifuga. You can tell the remedy by the sound they make. Cimicifuga is screaming and shrieking with pain during labour. Hysterical. Fear of fainting. (Add Cimicifuga to the repertory.)
* Cimicifuga
Fear of fainting.
Cramping hips during labour.
Screaming with pain during labour. Hysterical.
The baby is not out yet. The face of the baby is blue and the body white, there is a cord-wrap. The baby comes out in two contractions. The baby is not breathing.
FOLLOW UP (minutes after the remedy)
The baby started breathing soon after the remedy.
* Laurocerasus
Feet cold, clammy.
Twitchings around the mouth.
Fright of the mother during labour.
Face, hands, feet blue, body white.
Sit them up: The breathing is worse.
Lie them down: The breathing is better.
Ananda has often seen a Laurocerasus baby, because of fright of the mother during labour. That was the case here too, probably. Cimicifuga didn't change the emotional state of the mother, but it allowed the cervix to relax, in two hours time.
The mother is now haemorrhaging. First she has cramp in the abdomen or the uterus. She raises, bends double and goes back, then haemorrhage. The blood is watery. No clots.
FOLLOW UP (soon after the remedy)
After the delivery of the placenta the blood is normal again, with coagulation.
You have to go high in potency, it 's no stuff for beginning homeopaths.
* Millefolium
Before they start haemorrhaging, they have a cramp or pain in the abdomen, they bend double a bit, and then they start bleeding.
The blood is maroon-colored, between red and black. The blood coagulates soon.
* Thlaspi
Haemorrhage during delivery.
Nosebleed all through pregnancy.
The mother is totally gone, lost, after the labour. She is completely apathetic. Very often women leave their body after labour.
FOLLOW UP (one day after the delivery)
She has a little cramping in the calves. She has pain in the right leg and inguinal region, extending to the knee. It is a tearing / drawing pain, only on the right side, the right thigh inside. She didn't have it during pregnancy, but had it at the end of the delivery. She became aware of it last night. Walking ameliorates.
Her energy is low. Her handshake was feeble, weak. She is limp and weak.
Look in her eyes: Sadness. She looks very far away, as a loss. Something is imprinted on the organism during labour.
AZ: "Digestive problems ?" "No." Not distended either. (This was a question to distract the attention.)
She feels good, she says. But she doesn't show it.
AZ: "How do you feel about the delivery ?" "Beautiful, I am happy about it. I am glad it went without caesarian section."
She has a bit of back pain now.
AZ: "Are you nursing ?" "Yes."
AZ: "Tired after nursing ?"
AZ: "When are you tired ?" "In the morning, before breakfast."
AZ: "Are you exhausted, or not so bad ?" "Not so bad."
AZ: "Were there problems during pregnancy ?" "The first four months: Only headaches."
AZ: "How often ?" "Daily."
AZ: "Did you have that before pregnancy ?" "Sometimes, when I was under stress." She never had migraine.
AZ: "What other problems before pregnancy ?" "No problems."
She desires sweets a bit.
Mind, indifference (page 54).
Generalities, loss of fluids (page 1371).
Generalities, weakness in nursing women (page 1418).
The centre of gravity of the case is not physical, but was on the emotional level.
Add to the repertory, to weakness in nursing women: Calcarea carbonica (2), Calcarea phosphorica (2), Carbo vegetabilis (3), Lycopodium (1), Phosphorus (2), Phytolacca (2), Silicea (2), Sulphur (2).
FOLLOW UP (one day after the remedy)
She feels a lot better. She has no pains. She slept well. She is not tired, but more nervous. She worries about spots in face and the hair is difficult to comb.
The nursing goes all right. The connection with the baby is fine. The baby is getting yellow, the mother is not anxious about it.
* Cimicifuga
Shrieking with the pain.
Hysterical during labour and menses.
Contorting / twisting the body with pain.
Add Cimicifuga to the repertory to shrieking with the pain. Cimicifuga is also hysterical, shrieking etc. during menses.
A labour case.
The main complaint is rigidity of os during labour.
During labour, you can't take a case, you have got to observe and to think fast and know your materia medica.
She has a rigidity of os during labour, only opened three centimeters after twelve hours. (Add Aconitum (2) to the repertory.) The labour wouldn't progress. She is restless. She is breathing deeply, panting sort of and moving all over the bed. She is screaming hysterically. She rolls the head.
You must do pelvic examination to know if the os is rigid. The os might be soft, but simply hasn't opened. There might be an emotional reason that the cervix doesn't open up.
Respiration, sighing (page 775).
Head, motion, rolling head (page 131).
Respiration, breathing deep (page 766).
Head, motion, throwing head about (page 131).
Genitalia, pains, labour, distressing (page 739).
Genitalia, rigidity of os during labour (page 744).
Extremities, cramps hips, labour, during (page 974).
Genitalia, contractions os, spasmodic, during labour (page 716). Genitalia, labour pains, ineffectual (page 739). (Add Cimicifuga (2) to the repertory.)
She gets a cramping in the legs, back and hips. False labour pains last three to four hours and it stops when lying down.
Prolonged labour pain are lasting two minutes or more. Not in this case, the contractions lasted thirty seconds.
Cimicifuga racemosa |
Cramps hips, during labour.
FOLLOW UP (one hour after the remedy)
She had opened five centimeters.
Emotions you have to assess during the contraction, not in between. That will lead you to the remedy. Starting observing is hard then. Get the right rubrics. Find evidence for a remedy, you can't just give one, you have got to be sure.
She gets rigid during the contraction, back to three centimeters. She is very afraid to have another caesarian section, she had one before. She is cramped all over. She fears she can't breathe, and fears that she will faint, or will be unconscious. She has no fear that she will die.
The sound she makes is typically Cimicifuga. You can tell the remedy by the sound they make. Cimicifuga is screaming and shrieking with pain during labour. Hysterical. Fear of fainting. (Add Cimicifuga to the repertory.)
* Cimicifuga
Fear of fainting.
Cramping hips during labour.
Screaming with pain during labour. Hysterical.
The baby is not out yet. The face of the baby is blue and the body white, there is a cord-wrap. The baby comes out in two contractions. The baby is not breathing.
FOLLOW UP (minutes after the remedy)
The baby started breathing soon after the remedy.
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Cimicifuga racemosa flowering |
Feet cold, clammy.
Twitchings around the mouth.
Fright of the mother during labour.
Face, hands, feet blue, body white.
Sit them up: The breathing is worse.
Lie them down: The breathing is better.
Ananda has often seen a Laurocerasus baby, because of fright of the mother during labour. That was the case here too, probably. Cimicifuga didn't change the emotional state of the mother, but it allowed the cervix to relax, in two hours time.
The mother is now haemorrhaging. First she has cramp in the abdomen or the uterus. She raises, bends double and goes back, then haemorrhage. The blood is watery. No clots.
FOLLOW UP (soon after the remedy)
After the delivery of the placenta the blood is normal again, with coagulation.
You have to go high in potency, it 's no stuff for beginning homeopaths.
* Millefolium
Before they start haemorrhaging, they have a cramp or pain in the abdomen, they bend double a bit, and then they start bleeding.
The blood is maroon-colored, between red and black. The blood coagulates soon.
* Thlaspi
Haemorrhage during delivery.
Nosebleed all through pregnancy.
The mother is totally gone, lost, after the labour. She is completely apathetic. Very often women leave their body after labour.
FOLLOW UP (one day after the delivery)
She has a little cramping in the calves. She has pain in the right leg and inguinal region, extending to the knee. It is a tearing / drawing pain, only on the right side, the right thigh inside. She didn't have it during pregnancy, but had it at the end of the delivery. She became aware of it last night. Walking ameliorates.
Her energy is low. Her handshake was feeble, weak. She is limp and weak.
Look in her eyes: Sadness. She looks very far away, as a loss. Something is imprinted on the organism during labour.
AZ: "Digestive problems ?" "No." Not distended either. (This was a question to distract the attention.)
She feels good, she says. But she doesn't show it.
AZ: "How do you feel about the delivery ?" "Beautiful, I am happy about it. I am glad it went without caesarian section."
She has a bit of back pain now.
AZ: "Are you nursing ?" "Yes."
AZ: "Tired after nursing ?"
AZ: "When are you tired ?" "In the morning, before breakfast."
AZ: "Are you exhausted, or not so bad ?" "Not so bad."
AZ: "Were there problems during pregnancy ?" "The first four months: Only headaches."
AZ: "How often ?" "Daily."
AZ: "Did you have that before pregnancy ?" "Sometimes, when I was under stress." She never had migraine.
AZ: "What other problems before pregnancy ?" "No problems."
She desires sweets a bit.
Mind, indifference (page 54).
Generalities, loss of fluids (page 1371).
Generalities, weakness in nursing women (page 1418).
The centre of gravity of the case is not physical, but was on the emotional level.
Add to the repertory, to weakness in nursing women: Calcarea carbonica (2), Calcarea phosphorica (2), Carbo vegetabilis (3), Lycopodium (1), Phosphorus (2), Phytolacca (2), Silicea (2), Sulphur (2).
FOLLOW UP (one day after the remedy)
She feels a lot better. She has no pains. She slept well. She is not tired, but more nervous. She worries about spots in face and the hair is difficult to comb.
The nursing goes all right. The connection with the baby is fine. The baby is getting yellow, the mother is not anxious about it.
* Cimicifuga
Shrieking with the pain.
Hysterical during labour and menses.
Contorting / twisting the body with pain.
Add Cimicifuga to the repertory to shrieking with the pain. Cimicifuga is also hysterical, shrieking etc. during menses.
Cimicifuga racemosa fruit |
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