Corn (Clavus).


DEFINITION.-- A hard bony mass of the superficial layer of the skin (epidermis) with a deep growing conical centre, which pressed on the tender parts of the sensitive layer of the skin. A corn may be hard, dry, and scaly, or, if situated in places where the secretions of the skin are confined, soft and spongy. When inflammation or suppuration takes place underneath a Corn, the Corn becomes excessively painful.

Corn foot.

CALLOSITY is a hard, thickened condition of the skin covering a larger extent than a Corn, and may sometimes be seen on the front of both shins.

CAUSES.-- Pressure from ill-fitting boots or shoes.

TREATMENT.-- As soon as the Corn appears, the surroundings skin should be softened by a warm foot-bath, the hard head of the Corn gently extracted with some convenient instrument, and the thickened skin pared off, wounding the adjacent parts as little as possible. The Corn should then be dressed nightly with a mixture of Arnica O twenty drops, Glycerine one ounce, water one ounce.

The most essential part of the treatment is to relieve pressure from the corn by applying a plaster with hole punched out to receive the corn and so protect it from pressure. This treatment is continued till the corn is cured.

If internal treatment be necessary, Calcarea and Sulphur are generally suitable medicines. Calcarea may be administered every morning and night for a week or ten days; then, after waiting a day or two, Sulphur, in the same manner. Afterwards, if necessary, the course may be repeated. See also Verat-Vir.

SOFT CORNS are best treated by carefully cutting off the thickened skin with sharpened scissors, then applying a drop or two of diluted tincture of Arnica, or rubbing in the above mixture of Arnica, Glycerine and water, and always wearing a layer of cotton wool between the toes, changing the wool daily.

ACCESSORY MEANS.-- Corns can only be permanently cured by wearing properly fitting boots, which should be straight along the inner border of the foot, often washing the feet, and frequent change of stockings.


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