Hyoscyamus niger Case study:

Woman, twenty four years old. Her main complaint is strong urinary pressure.
She is married and pregnant (twenty four weeks).
Impression: She makes a bit childish impression.
Observation: She is jerking the head. Her head is tilted to the right side.

Hyoscyamus niger
Head, motions of head, (page 131).
Mind, gestures, hands (page 50).
Head, jerking of the head (page 129).
Extremities, motion, irregular (page 1033).
Head, motions of head, involuntary (page 131).
Generalities, chorea, pregnancy, during (page 1348).
Generalities, convulsions, pregnancy during (page 1355).

She is picking with the hands, gestures. She has very strong fidgety of the hands. It is not Kali bromatum, Kali bromatum is more wringing, but this is picking. In her hands is no cramping of emotions, or suppressed anger, or aggression. She only can't keep her hands still.
She sleeps fairly well.
She has a bearing down sensation.
She has an irritable bladder and has an urging often. Also at night.
She has constant itching of the vagina. She has no rectal itch.

AZ: "Are you restless ?" She has always been nervous, now it is worse ( for three months).
Observation: There is no real eye contact, she doesn't look. There is a general restlessness, her eyes moving from one place to another. She talks quite fast.
* Bufo, Natrum muriaticum, Hyoscyamus
Make no good eye contact.
She has a very pale face and very dry lips.
She is very nervous. She notices it less than other people: She is cut off from her body and emotions. She picks her clothes (Hyoscyamus). She is not really aware of it, she is not aware of what she does. Her environment told her. She is always in motion, she finishes things. She can't really sit still. She can sit still when she is reading, but mostly she wants to do something.

Hyoscyamus niger
 AZ: "Do you have many thoughts, is your mind going fast ?" She doesn't know. She is not aware of what is going on.
Her appetite is normal. She doesn't like: Fat, meat, salami, garlic and salt. (Fat and garlic aggravate ?) She likes:
Yoghurt, cheese, fruit, salads, milk, sour and ice cream. She has a dry mouth, thirst, she drinks a lot.
* Hyoscyamus
Picking the clothes.
Is cut off, makes no contact, no emotions.
Observation: From time to time she takes a deep breath about the question asked by Ananda. At these moments all other movements disappear and she sits still. She holds her head somewhat awry, more often to the right.

She and her husband, both had psychic illness.
She fears that they will take away the baby, because they don't have money. She has financial problems. Her husband has mental problems. The pregnancy was deliberately planned, it was no accident. She fears that the child may not be healthy. That both (her husband and the child) will be mentally ill. She has been in a psychiatric hospital for psychosis. She met her husband in the hospital. She has had strong delusions. She got allopathic medicine for it, which ameliorated. She had religious delusions of the end of the world. She thought that it would always be sunny, that it would always be daytime. She saw the child Jesus in the street. She is afraid that evil thoughts will be directed towards her. Afraid that she might wish something evil for another, then something bad will happen to her. She doesn't hear voices. She heard the hissing that snakes make in the hospital. She saw strange things. She smelled bad odors. In the hospital she was in panic, had a fear of devils and a fear of other people. Now she has a fear of people.

AZ: "Did you ever try to hurt yourself ?" Yes, two years ago she took four sleeping pills, and once she tried to hang herself.
Her sexual energy is low - the other polarity of the remedy. She wants to keep herself covered, the polarity of the remedy.

Mind, fear of evil (page 44).
Mind, delusions devils (page 23).
Mind, delirium religious (page 20).
Mind, religious affections (page 71).


Most probably, she was Veratrum in the mental hospital, during the psychosis.

* Hyoscyamus
Pale face.
They can be very soft. They can be sweet, they are not always violent. Hyoscyamus has not so much rage. There can be a more passive tone. They can be very restless.
They can also have a very low sex drive.
The first remedy for spasms in pregnant women.

* Belladonna
Red face.
Is more aggressive.
FOLLOW UP (two weeks after the remedy)
The restlessness is ameliorated.
The bladder problem is ameliorated.
The itching of the vagina is ameliorated. No candida.
She didn't have a high sex drive, on the contrary. She had no exhibitionism, but wanted to cover herself up (the polarity of the remedy).


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