KALI BICHROMICUM: Raising stringy mucus; caused by, and always follows coition.



In all respiratory affections cough is aggravation p.m., amelioration lying down and heat, aggravation eating, expectoration adherent and tenacious. Asthma: aggravation 3 or 4 a.m., especially in winter, or, in summer if chilly, must sit up to breathe, reverse of Psor., amelioration raising stringy mucus; caused by, and always follows coition. Wheezing respiration at night after whooping cough.

Potassium Bicorbonate.

Aggravation a.m., after eating; amelioration heat, lying down, and warm in bed. Pain, midsternum to back, stitching or weight and soreness in chest. A.m. on waking, and the characteristic expectoration.

(L): Ropy; white a.m. Jellylike. White mucus, tough as pitch, can be drawn out in long strings, like Coc-c. and Lact-ac.

Burning pain, sternum to shoulder, during cough; stitch under right breast to back; palpitation after waking suddenly in the a.m. (L): Pain behind sternum to back. Bronchitis: chronic and spasmodic, wheezes, tough expectoration that must be pulled out of mouth to prevent choking and vomiting; cough barking croupy; seems to come from low down in chest, aggravation eating; in all cases the cough is aggravation a.m. and after eating, amelioration heat of bed and lying down. Milk as if composed of stringy mucus and water.

Cervical region itches and burns, or, pains on blowing nose; coccyx pains a.m. on waking, to urethra, before urinating; tearing between scapulae a.m. on waking; sweat on effort to stool. (L): Coccyx pains on sitting. Pain: urine bloody; sharp stinging, renal region.

Pustules on finger over hand to wrist; sciatica, hip jerks; rheumatic pains alternate with gastric or lung troubles; pain after diarrhoea; shooting in knee at night; sore bruised in spots here and there; wandering tearing in upper. Pain: especially in smaller joints, like Act-s., wander from place to place, like Caul. and Caust.; apt to recur every spring, like Colch.; come and go suddenly, like Bell., shift rapidly; syphilitic, periosteal; especially about finger and wrist. Sciatica, left side, amelioration walking and bending leg, aggravation standing, sitting, lying and pressure. Scabs on finger, often about nail. Deep stinging cicatrices on hands as if punched out. Ulcer on heel. Rheumatism, cold form, bones feels sore bruised, like Mang.

Copious, sitting.

Pustules, syphilitic, itch nights; summer tubercles, Kali- bro. winter; ulcer, black spot in center; pains in cold weather. Vesicles, centers depressed, suppurate and leave cicatrices on healing. Ulcers: round, deep, edges regular as if punched out; circumscribed, penetrate, tenacious exudate. Lupus: painless, sluggish; pains burn, like Mez. Measles: little or no fever, yet ulcerate, tenacious mucus from nose; or, hoarse croupy cough and tenacious mucus; suits the severe forms, Puls. the milder, discharge offensive pus, sharp pain shoots from ear into gland, glands swells, diarrhoea. A great variety of skin diseases, deep ulceration and tenacious exudate. Papules enlarge, develop pustules, even ulcers. Eruptions begin in hot weather, reverse of Rhus.

stringy discharges

Neuralgia, same hour daily. (L): Pain in small spots that can be covered by the point of the finger. Pain: attacks one part then reappears in another; appears and disappears suddenly, like Bell., changes place rapidly, like Lac-ac. and Led., especially in chronic rheumatism; do not stay long in one place, like Puls., nor do they tend to swell; the Mang. pains shift crosswise, the Lac - can. pains shift from side to side leaving the affected side free. Rheumatism: every spring; alternating with diarrhoea or dysentery. Fat sluggish persons especially children; older people: Graph. Nearest to it in mucus discharge; Hydrast. Discharges jellylike mucus, like Aloe. Alternating symptoms, like Abrot.; Plat. physical and mental; Aloe head with back. Wine drinkers should drink coffee, beer drinkers, tea. Aggravation 3 to 5 a.m., hot weather.


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