KALI BICHROMICUM:Desire absent in fleshy persons; uterus prolapsed especially in hot weather.



Pains stitch, amelioration swallowing. (L): Membrane, false, to larynx; yellow gelatinous mucus. Hawks mucus a.m. Membrane, false, thick, decidedly yellow, like washleather, like Phyt. Inflamed: chronic, of posterior walls, dark glossy; follicular, of pharynx, tonsils and fauces ulcerate, tenacious exudate. Ulcers on posterior walls of pharynx, well defined edges, cheesy exudate. Diphtheria: palate ulcerates as do tonsils and pharynx, discharge fetid, exudate tenacious; in all cases profound prostration, soft pulse, sweat, almost painless, like Bapt., slight infiltration of cellular tissue, very tough adhesive exudate. Troubles continue in winter and in cold damp weather.
posterior wall of pharynx

Heavy after meat; pain in limbs and, alternate; sinking before breakfast. (L): Heavy after beer: nausea of drunkards. Beer drinkers made ill from beer. Stringy vomiting. Appetite lost. Burning pain or weight in pit. Sore in small spots. round ulcer. Inflamed, like Ars., vomit sour mixed with clear mucus, or bitter, renewed by eating or drinking, distress, raw, burns, even in round ulcer, with the characteristic dry smooth red tongue, cracked. Aggravation immediately after eating, reverse of Anac. and Graph. and if after dinner: Chel.; Anac. is aggravation 2 or 3 hours after eating. Dyspepsia: nausea, vomits; from malted liquors, flatulence, oppressed after eating, nausea, vomit mucus; acid, vomit sour, an hour or so after eating, like Puls. Catarrh, vomit glairy mucus, tongue thickly coated.

Flatulence. Catarrh, duodenal, often jaundice, white stools, dark urine, nausea, vomit, often whole abdomen sore. Gastro- enteritis: discharge stringy mucus; vomit bile or blood, prostration. Hard contracting pain, liver to shoulders, like Crot-h.; gall stones.

Constipation: periodic every 3 weeks; diarrhoea, periodic, in summer; pressing a.m.; painfully retracted after stool, stool hard and dry, burning in anus. Diarrhoea, stool, brown frothy water, like Rheum. As of a plug in anus, can hardly sit down. Dysentery: dry red smooth cracked tongue, painful tenesmus, stool gelatinous bloody, aggravation a.m.; periodic, in spring; drops of blood, tenesmus, thirstless, fever, large insular patches on tongue, like Natr-m. and Tarax. constipation, stool hard dry knotty, like Mag-m., burning in rectum, after.

Especially useful in jellylike, and when Canth. has removed the scrapings. Brown frothy water. Odorless.

Prostate pain on walking; jellylike discharge from urethra. Urethritis, subacute or chronic, a drop of urine seems to remain as if it could not be expelled, usually burning in fossa navicularis and bulbous portion of urethra after urination.

Desire absent in fleshy persons; uterus prolapsed especially in hot weather. Ulcer, especially true chancre, and the characteristic cheesy exudate, to which it is especially homoeopathic. Leucorrhoea: ropy or jellylike; very tenacious. Pruritis vulvae, burns, excitement.
Ulcers vulva

Catarrh before change of weather; inflamed in damp weather; pain on swallowing as if food passed over a sore spot; burns, to nostril; pain presses aggravation talking. (L): Croup, to trachea. Hoarse. Croup: extremely valuable in late stage of membranous, pule soft, child weak, cough loose yet hoarse barking, sweat, expectoration tenacious and gags, child tries to vomit; constant sawing respiration, harsh rough voice and cool skin call for this remedy; Kaolin is also good in membranous constipated, especially with intense soreness along trachea and upper part of chest. Voice rough hoarse or nasal. As of a rag in. Catarrh, subacute, usually no fever, discharge very tenacious.


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