
Copious tough adherent tenacious purulent mucus secretions, like rubber, that can be drawn out in long strings, difficult to detach, one feels like using a pair of shears, and predominantly yellow.

Nose: dry; pain at root; plugs; formations of clinkers the detachment of which leaves very sore places or ulcers is very characteristic. Mouth dry. Appetite lost. Crave beer, it makes one sick. Pains: sharp, stitch; migrate; especially about joints; appear and disappear rapidly, like Bell.; usually in small spots coverable by the tip of a thumb. Jellylike mucus forms on all mucus membranes. Secretions and excretions yellow. Troubles tend to indolency. Marked burning. Weak; weary. Sensitive to cold; lacks vital heat; desire to be covered up warmly. Aggravation: Hot weather; motion except limbs; 3 to 5 a.m.; winter; cold damp weather, when snow melts, like Calc-p. Amelioration when warm in bed, like Agar.

Forehead burns, stitches; pain after blindness, reverse of Sil., is violent, sight returns as p. gets worse; pain in small spots in sides. (L): Pain, same hour daily. Pain: small spots; begins 9 a.m., ceases afternoon. Ache: king of remedies for blinding after; Allen contends there is no difference between Iris and Kali-bi., but Iris has more pronounced nausea and vomiting and the pain usually begins over one eye, the sight more blurred during, with Kali-bi. with Sil., after.

Tears on opening; photophobia when crusts are torn from nose; polypus, under surface of lid; vision vanishes on rising from stooping. Pannus, lids granulate. Cornea: valuable for small perforating ulcers, little photophobia; subacute scrofulous inflammation, and of iris. Inflammation: extremely valuable in a great variety of inflammation, and diseases of the nose, with the above IDENTIFICATION, and formation of clinkers, the detachment of which leave sore places or ulcers, which is strongly characteristic; of conjunctiva, catarrhal, indolent, little photophobia, exudate scanty; grows worse, vesicles and pustules form on cornea; of iris, subacute, especially syphilitic, like Kali-i. or when characteristically indolent, little redness, little or no photophobia, and ulceration. Photophobia in daylight only, lids twitch on opening them. Long lasting dense corneal opacities.

(L): Eruptions excoriate. Suppuration, chronic, drum perforates, edges cicatrize, discharge as in above IDENTIFICATION, may be drawn out in long strings through perforation, lancinates, sticks. Itch and tickle violently inside, or, on right lobe waking one. Child deaf, tonsils large, like Bar-c. Eczema, external, water oozes. Abscess threatens, external meatus swollen, terrible pain.

Dry coryza from cold West wind; discharge: crust or scabs easily detached but if removed too soon cause soreness at root, and photophobia, or, thick, if it ceases headache comes on; full sense in frontal sinus from inflammation; heat, expired air feels hot, and, in root; obstructed in warm damp weather; pain in junction of cartilages; pressing in root, amelioration pressure; stitching in root to external angle of eye; snuffles in warm damp weather. (L): Crusts hard to detach, reform if detached; elastic plugs; heat, breath seems hot; pressure in bones of root; septum sore, bruised; root pulsates. Dry, pains in bones of root. nostrils: as if a hair in left; as if made of parchment. Feels heavy. Sheet anchor in treatment of mucus membranes, acute or chronic. Ulcers eat through septum, like Aur. Catarrh, post nasal, stringy mucus drops into throat, or plugs form. Violent painful pressure at root, like Stict., to cheek bones or around eyes.

Pain in limb and, alternate; pain in cheek during cough; digging pain in rami of lower jaw. Very valuable in bloated pimply acne with more or less indigestion. Like Merc., malar bones suffer with the catarrh.

Tongue brown on sides; ulcers look punched out. (L): Tongue red, glistens; mucus and saliva ropy. tongue: intense pain at root on protruding it, like Phyt.; coated yellow at base, lie Merc. and Natr-p.; dry red smooth and cracked, especially in dysentery; large insular patches, like Natr-m. and Tarax.; coated thickly brown like thick yellow felt, at root, papillae elevate; as of a hair on back part; or, thick broad, takes imprints of teeth, like Chel. and Merc.
Mouth punched out ulcers.


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