LACHESIS :Extremely sensitive to heat and especially to touch.


Extremely sensitive to heat and especially to touch, especially to the surface of the body and more especially about the neck and throat, can bear neither a tight collar, neckband nor hot drinks; the sensitiveness is not so much due to the touch itself, but to the uneasiness it causes.
Bush master

Ailments begin on left side and either stay there or go from left to right, the reverse of Lyc. Aggravation on going to sleep, during sleep, but especially on waking; also in warm relaxing weather, especially in the spring. All discharges are offensive. Loquacious, jumps from subject to subject. Amelioration opening the clothing, and from the appearance of the discharges, like Zinc. COMMENT.

Desires solitude to indulge in one's fancies; delirium, changes subject rapidly, or, from mental exertion; forgetful of everything that has occurred for sometime past; industrious, p.m.; stupefaction, amelioration when feet become warm; persistent evil thoughts; inclined to weep, from anecdotes. (L): Confusion of mind, on waking; lively fancies; ridiculous ideas; loquacity, p.m., changes subject rapidly; memory active, p.m.; mirth or sadness, p.m.; unconscious during menses, or, as if in a trance. Always making mistakes as to time of day. Unwarranted jealousy and suspicion. thinks oneself under superhuman control.

A.m., on waking. Aggravation closing eyes.

Hair falls, during pregnancy; heat of vertex, during menopause; pain, every 10 days, or, over eyes, outward, to root of nose; burning pain, at climacteric; cutting, darting stabbing pain, amelioration heat; shooting pain in forehead, on motion; pulsating in temples, during menses; unable to raise head, a.m, on waking. (L): Occiput heavy, a.m., on waking; pain at climaxis, or, to nose; burning pain, at climaxis; cutting, darting, stabbing pain, amelioration heat; pain in forehead and above eyes, to root of nose; paroxysmal pain in occiput, after sleep; pressing pain, amelioration lying, and paroxysmal aggravation sleep and walking, and in temples aggravation motion and walking. Cardiac difficulties attend nearly all the headaches of Lach. As of a hand in head moving and squeezing.

Pain drawing, sticking, and to vertex; pressing pain, outward, on pressing throat; vision of black flickerings, or, of blue around light. (L): Haemorrhage into retina; vision of fiery rays around light. As if eyes had been squeezed after being taken out, and put back.

Pain in right ears, amelioration lying on it; wax pale. (L): Noises a.m., on waking; wax whitish, Puls.: Back; and Con.: red. Amelioration boring finger into ears.

Epistaxis, on blowing nose, a.m., also at climaxis and before menses. Tip of nose knobby red, like Aur. which has also the strawberry nose.

Convulsions, spasms begin in left side of face; erysipelas of scalp, a.m.; swelling of face at night. (L): Bluish, with spasms of glottis; blue spots, after eruption; yellow, in syphilis; left side swollen, veins distended in a network, as if marbled. As if one had a moustache of ice. Appearance of anxiety, distress and unrest.
Lachesis jelous face

Mucus membrane purple; speech difficult for certain words. (L): Gangrene; tongue heavy, difficult to move; difficult to open mouth; tongue difficult to protrude, it catches behind teeth, and trembles; gangrenous ulcers in mouth. Tongue dry, anterior half red, smooth, shines, cracked at tip.


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