LYCOPODIUM :The patient anticipates things and is nearly sick until they happen


Hunger, but a little food seems to fill stomach and causes fullness and distension of abdomen. Worse 4-8 p.m. Red sediment in urine. Right sided or complaints go from right to left. Better warm drinks; worse cold food and drink. Fan-like movement of alae nasi (nostrils). Suddenness sudden flashes of heat; lightning like pains; sudden satiety; pains and symptoms come and go suddenly.

Mind:Very nervous, sensitive, emotional person; apprehensive. Apprehensive of undertaking anything yet he is all right when he does it. Likes his own company but prefers somebody to be in the house in another room. Emotional and weeps when thanked.


Head: Bursting, pressing headaches. Headaches better when catarrh is worse. Worse 4-8 p.m.

Nose: Must breathe through mouth at night.

Throat: Sore right side or going from right to left. Worse 4-8 p.m. Better warm drinks. If you hear a patient complaining of a feeling as though a ball is rising into the throat from below a dose of Lycopodium will cure.

Stomach: Patient feels very hungry but after a few mouthfuls becomes full up, bloated and uncomfortable. Is distended like a drum and says everything I eat turns to wind'. Cannot eat oysters. This is one of a trio of flatulent remedies with Carbo Veg. and China. China bloats the whole abdomen, Carbo veg. prefers the upper part and Lyc. the lower part. China has fullness after a normal meal and Lyc. after eating little.

Urinary: Sediment like red sand in urine.

Respiratory: Stitches in L chest and during inspiration. Very difficult breathing.

Back: Burning between scapulae as of hot coals.

Extremities: One foot hot and the other cold.

Sleep: Patient is worse in the evening and better on waking but wakens cross and irritable.

Modalities: If you have a patient with at least thereof the following modalities and the other symptoms of the case fit then you can be sure that Lycopodium is the correct remedy.

Worse afternoon Desires hot drinks.

Worse 4 p.m. 8 p.m. Craves sweets

Has Urinary troubles Has acidity and bloating and wind. Better by motion, warm food and drink, in the open air, being uncovered, after midnight.

Kent says Though classed among inert substances and thought to be useful for rolling up allopathic pills Hahnemann brought it into use and developed its power by attenuation. It enters deep into the life. There is nothing about man that Lycopodium does not rouse into tumult.'

Dr. Kent explains that the Lycopodium patient wants to be alone but likes to feel that somebody is in the next room because he fears to be alone. He also fears death and the dark. This patient weeps when meeting a friend, is tired with chronic fatigue is forgetful, and therefore has aversion to undertaking anything new. The mind of the Lycopodium patient is better developed than the body they often look older than they really are.

The Lycopodium patient anticipates things and is nearly sick until they happen; then he goes through everything feeling on top of the world. He cannot think how he can make a speech but when he gets on his feet he feels quite confident.


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