Malignant Pustule. (Anthrax).


Malignant pustule is the result of the cutaneous inoculation by the virus of anthrax and usually takes place by the contact of butchers, graziers, leather-or wool-workers, with the disease sleep or cattle.

The lesion usually occurs on the face, neck , or arms. The stages it goes through in four or five days are; (I) an angry red pimple; (2) a crop of vesicles on a red swollen base; (3) a central black slough surrounded by vesicles, and a large zone of swelling. Then the temperature rises and grave septicaemia is caused by the distribution of the bacilli.

LOCAL TREATMENT.-- Excision of the focus of infection.

MEDICINES.-- Anthracinum, Lachesis, Bell., Aconite.,Apis., Baptisia, etc.

214.--Whitlow (Paronychia)--Felon--Gathered Finger.

DEFINITION.-- A painful inflammatory swelling at the end of a finger or thumb, having a tendency to suppurate, and in debilitated constitutions, to recur,

VARIETIES.-- The cutaneous Whitlow is an inflammation of the skin, with burning pain,and effusion of a serous or bloody fluid, which raises the cuticle into a bladder. The subcutaneous is attended with great pain and throbbing, and suppuration under the sin at the root of the nail, which often comes off. Tendinous Whitlow or Thecal Abscess, is inflammation of the tendon sheath.

CAUSE.-- Infection. Predisposing Causes.-- Cutting the nail to the quick; a bruise, burn,or other mechanical injury; the introduction of poisonous or acrid matter into scratches on the finger, constitutional disorder, with slight injury.
Malignant Pustule

SYMPTOMS.-- Heat, pain, throbbing, and redness at the end of the finger; as the symptoms increase there is swelling,. tension, and pain extending up the arm; the surface becomes livid, and shortly assumes a pale, cloudy appearance. If suppuration occur, a dirty-looking fluid is discharged; subsequently the nail; fails off; and if the finger be kept at rest,and the health be not very defective, a new nail is produced, and the finger is well. But under unfavourable conditions, the part may ulcerate, the finger inflame, the bone become diseased, and Inflammation attack the arm.

TREATMENT.-- As soon as the first indications of Whitlow are noticed, the finger should be repeatedly plunged into water as hot as can be borne; in which common salt has been dissolved for two hours or longer; the hand should be slung in a raised posture, and a dose of Silicea taken every three hours.

Thus its formation may often be prevented. If these means commenced too late, a hot fomentation should be applied, and Sil, continued every four hours, in alternation with Acon. when there is much feverishness, or Bell. when the inflammation is erysipelatous. Merc. and Hep.-S. are also good remedies.

ACCESSORY MEANS.-- Hot fomentations to relieve pain. If inflammatory action persist, the finger becoming hard, and there be no signs of early suppuration, a free incision should be made to relieve tension and prevent sloughing, and, possibly,disease of the bone. In opening Thecal Abscesses the incision should be made strictly in the middle line to avoid the digital arteries which run along the sides of the fingers. The opening should be also made between, but not over, the joints.

ONYCHIA is Inflammation of the nail-matrix ( the substance from which the nails grow); it may be induced by similar causes to these of Whitlow, and especially by an in-growing nail, or cutting the nail down to the quick.

IN-GROWING OF THE NAIL may be remedied by softening it in warm water, then paring it thin on the upper surface, and cutting it down as far as may be at the middle part of the extremity, avoiding cutting the parts which tend to grow in. By these means the growth is diverted from the sides; since a nail will grow most where it is cut most. Painting daily with a solution of Ferr-Perchlor, is also of great service. A small surgical operation may be necessary.


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