Viburnum opulus Case study:


Woman, twenty three years old.

Her main complaint is contractions during pregnancy.

She has contractions, she is in the thirty third week of pregnancy. It is the first time that she is pregnant. She has had contractions since the past three weeks and she is now hospitalized. Cerclage didn't help. There is no bleeding. At this moment she doesn't have pains, but still there are contractions on the machine that registers the contractions. She seldom feels the uterus harden.
When she had pain, the back was involved, she couldn't even move.

Viburnum opulus
AZ: "Did the pains start in the back and extend to the uterus ?" "Yes, most probably."

AZ: "Did they move down the legs too ?" "Yes, the pain moves down the outer surface of the legs."

The predominating symptom is the contractions. There is no bleeding, therefore not Sabadilla or Belladonna.
False labour pains (page 739): The contractions stop when you change position. They think they are in labour. It can last three or four hours. Then suddenly the contractions stop when they lie down. She doesn't have this.

Genitalia, contractions, uterus (page 716).
Back, pain, lumbar sacral region, extending to uterus, over ilium, ending in cramps in uterus (page 909): Sepia, Viburnum. Back, pain, lumbar region, extending over ilium, to ovaries and uterus (page 908): Viburnum.

Back, pain, sacral region, extending down legs (page 911).
The uterus is contracting, but there is no sensation. She feels sensations in the legs and the back, the pain in the abdomen went. When she had pain, it was so bad she couldn't lift up her legs. Heaviness.
One side of the face is pale, the other is pink (add in the repertory). She always has that, not just now.

Observation: She is sitting quite relaxed.

AZ: "How are you feeling about what is going on ?" She feels all right.

AZ: "Emotionally ?" "Good."
In pregnancy she had problems sitting, three months ago. She could hardly sit and got Silicea. Last July she had back pain, and got Silicea as an acute.
She has cold and sweaty feet (clammy), no odour.
Her finger nails are brittle, no white spots.
AZ: "Cramps in the calves ?" She had leg cramps three weeks ago, twice, at the time of the contractions. She couldn't walk.
AZ: "Is the body cramping ?"The pain in the back and legs persists now.
She is emotionally stable and has this cramping.
Heaviness legs during abortion.
One side of her face is red.
She fears that the baby will be deformed, or will come too early.
She has a fear of being alone at home, even when a small child. Anxiety.
AZ: "Fear of robbers ?" "Not really."
AZ: "Is the abdomen aching ?" "Three weeks ago."
AZ: "Bearing down, as if everything will come out ?" "Yes, when I was working still, each time when I was stooping."
Option: Sepia, abortion in the fifth seventh month, cramps in the calves, pains extending. There is a lot of information for Sepia, but she is not tired - this is against Sepia. The pregnant Sepias are tired. The personality is not Sepia. She is very connected, but Sepia is detached and doesn't look at you.

Viburnum opulus

* Sepia
Is tired when pregnant.
Is not connected, is detached, doesn't look at you, the eyes in the air.

* Viburnum
Contractions of the uterus is the predominating symptom. The main remedy for contractions in any part of pregnancy, when contractions are the centre of gravity.
Leg cramps.
Back pain extending.
Bearing down sensation.
One sided redness of the face.
The major remedy in dysmenorrhoea.
Often left sided, they don't like to sleep on the left.
Very much afraid of deformation / unhealthiness of the baby. This is not expressed. The ultra sound reassures them.
Sometimes no concern at all, no emotions at all despite the pain / cramping and the bleeding. They can have heavy bleeding and cramps in pregnancy, but totally not worried about deformations ( this is also pathological, there should be some worry). Totally shut off from emotions.

FOLLOW UP (one day after the remedy)
The contractions ameliorated, stopped completely.
The back pain is gone, the first time that she slept through the night without waking when turning.
The leg pain and back pain is ameliorated. The calve cramps are gone.
There is no bearing down sensation. She has some sort of cramping / drawing extending from the inner thighs to outside, she had that before in the past.
The energy is the same, was already all right.
She has no perspiration, which she had before the remedy.
The fear for her baby disappeared, she doesn't think about it.


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