CAUSTICUM:Eructations frequent, tasteless, or taste of food as if undigested.

- Pulford


Fresh meat disorders; eructations: of food 5 hours after eating, and after sugar; waterbrash from fresh meat; fullness after bread; nausea from mucus in throat; pain on deep breathing; as of lime slacking in. (L): Desires smoked things; disordered and pressing pain after bread. Nausea from fresh meat. As if spoiled. Eructations frequent, tasteless, or taste of food as if undigested. Pressure in scrobiculus cordis. Appetite lost at thought or smell of food. Thirst for cold drinks with aversion to water, like Lach. Averse to sweets. Aggravation coffee, amelioration cold water.

Pain in left side on coughing, to back and chest; tension in hypochondria while lying on back. (L): Stitching pain in sides. Colic: Col. failing, pains cut, grips, amelioration bending double, especially before menses, tearing pain in back and limbs; a.m. Stitches in hepatic region.

Constipation, stools pass better standing; diarrhoea from cold air on abdomen; piles aggravation thinking of them; pressing pain as if faeces were lodged in; stitches, amelioration eating, Nux after; spasm in during urging to urinate; urges to stool from fright. (L): Excoriates between nates from walking; hard piles; sore pain, and in perineum on walking. Piles raw, sore aggravation waking or sitting. Anus: sore, pain unendurable on walking; fissure; burns after stool, anxious oppression of chest; itches excessively. Diarrhoea aggravation fresh meat. Spasms prevent walking. Ineffectual urging to stool. Frequent loud discharge of flatus.

Constipation, stools pass better standing;

Hard, tough, greasy.

Urine retained from cold dry air; urging frequent, no passage, but it flows involuntarily while sitting; urine interrupted p.m.; ineffectual urging with cramps in rectum while standing, involuntary while sitting; haemorrhage from urethra during coition; burning pain in urethra during urination after coition; bloody urine nights. (L): Bladder inactive and as if paralyzed from forcible retention of urine form overdistension; urine involuntary on blowing nose, becoming cold or sneezing; cramping pain in kidney. Paralysis of bladder after labor, urine retained. similar to Bell., Sep. and Sulph. in enuresis during first sleep, but sleep of Bell. and Sulph. is deep Urine: of women, like that of Sars., is often passed unnoticed; involuntary of child especially during first sleep and aggravation in winter, either becoming more moderate in summer, or disappearing, but in winter it escapes at any time; discharged slowly, like Hep.; spurts during cough; frequent, increased; passed insensibly in the dark, must feel with hand to make sure it is passing. Acridity during and after urination. Troubles from forced retention, but if chilled at same time: Rhus.
Urine, urging frequent,

Leucorrhoea odor of menses; uterine pain after eating. (L): Stitching pain in testes, smegma increased; female desire diminished (or wanting). Scrotum itches. colic at appearance of menses.

Irritated a.m. in bed; pain down trachea during cough, in streaks; pressing on blowing nose. (L): Scraping on clearing throat a.m.; sudden loss of voice from paralysis. Hoarse: a.m., Carb-v., p.m., aggravation dry cold weather; chronic, failing try Sulph.

Talking impedes breathing. Breath obstructed, must catch it quickly.

Morning and night, only while lying. (L): Aggravation bending forward. Cannot cough deep enough to start mucus. Especially amelioration sips of cold water. Aggravation heat of bed and on stooping. Pain over hips, urine spurts. Improves up to a certain point then remains stationary. As if cough into a barrel, sounds hollow.

Cough Aggravation bending forward.
Chest Heart affections from overlifting; as of cold water running down anterior part, below clavicle to toes; herpes on nipple; pain in, alternates with pain in stomach; stitches in sternum from exertion or lifting. (L): Oppression after stool; stitching pain on deep breathing. Nursing women who lose their milk after excitement or loss of sleep. Hypertrophy of heart in young girls from calisthenics, of boys: Brom. Pain as form a bruise in right side. Sore pain from, and loud rattling during, cough. As from too tight clothing. Stitches under arm. Shooting in sternum during a deep breath.

stitching pain on deep breathing.


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