Cina cntd....



Appetite changeable and at unusual times, desire many things. Vomit: mucus; tongue clean like Ip., but with canine hunger. Drinks roll audibly into stomach, like Cup., Hydr-ac. and Lauro., during whooping cough. Child always spitting up sour milk, sour belchings. Loaded, yet hunger not amelioration eating, like Iod. (the worms seem to get all the good from the food eaten), vomiting neither amelioration nor takes away the desire for more food; child, when full up to the chin, still craves the bottle, like Calc-p. which wants to nurse all the time. Shudders when drinking wine as if it was vinegar. Gnawing sense as from hunger.
Appetite changeable and at unusual times,

Crest of ilium twitches. Distended, hard, sore, hot, very sore about navel where there is a great deal of colic, sometimes amelioration pressure, like Col. and Pod. Child sleeps on abdomen, wakes if turned over; Pod. has stools only amelioration lying on abdomen.

Diarrhoea, intermittent. Worms: reflex symptoms; the most powerful eliminator of round; useless in oxyuria; pass out through mouth; thread. Diarrhoea and indigestion from least disturbance, aggravation summer, stools green slimy or white, vomits.
Worms in children

White, like little pieces of popcorn popped Scanty.

Urine: turns milky on standing; white, turbid, often fetid like Calc. Frequent desire all day. Wets bed, especially from worms.

Metrorrhagia, little girls.

Interrupted inspiration (sometimes omitted).

Choking, suffocative, a.m., after rising; dry, sneezing; fretting. (L): Nervous. Child: raises itself suddenly before, looks wildly about, becomes stiff and unconscious as if it would have epilepsy, then coughs; hacking, hoarse, gurgling downward, swallows after cough; whooping, drinks roll audibly into stomach with clucking sound down oesophagus as child comes out of spasm or paroxysm. Gagging, a.m.

Cough in children

As if sternum lay too close to back, breathing embarrassed, anxiety and sweat.

Convulsion, extensors; foot jerks, spasms; sore bruised pain on pressure, and of toes; stitching cramplike pain in upper, and in foot like a pressure; stiff before cough; hands twitch during cough (L): Arms extended during paroxysm. Boring from within out, below gluteii, on sitting, amelioration pressure and motion. Feet cold, head hot while in sun.

Restless, changes position often, or wakes frequently in fright or screams and trembles. Spasmodic yawning, trembles, shivers. Screams out sharply, like Apis. Only while lying on abdomen or in constant motion. Dreams prolonged into waking hours, thinks them real. Child wakes p.m., or before midnight, in fright or fear, jumps up, sees sights, screams, trembles, tosses about, anxious. Grinds teeth. Suitable to complaints arising from yawning.
Restless sleep in children

Shivers, trembles, yawns. Thirst, face pale, cold, hands warm, nausea, vomits.

Rising, cheeks red. Fever sudden, very high face hot, glowing red, pale around mouth and lips, or, this may alternate with pale face and dark rings around eyes. Typhoid fever with above ESSENTIAL.

Convulsion of extensors; spasm, feet jerk; sore bruised pain on pressure, and of toes; stitching cramping pain in upper limbs, and in feet like a pressure. (L): Convulsions from worms. Convulsions: face pale, the more one stiffens out straight the better one rests, restless; fever and, aggravation touch, sensitive, delirium, eyes glassy, mouth drawn, white rings about nose and mouth; froth at mouth; from punishment of child, like Cham. and especially Ign.


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