Cuprum metallicum: Pain, to stomach, reverse of Bell. Spinal irritation, violent paroxysms of pain.

- Pulford


Pain, to stomach, reverse of Bell. Spinal irritation, violent paroxysms of pain, spine extremely sensitive its whole length.

Thumbs clenched in epilepsy after a fall on head; cold fingers and headache alternate; feet icy cold, soles burn; convulsions of, during cough; foot and calf cramp on attempting coition; fingers jerk during chorea, to arms; irregular motion of fingers. (L): Fingers clench; hand cramps; thumbs drawn in; herpes on elbow; fingers twitch. Cramp: violent spasms or, in all limbs, and especially in legs and feet, screams; muscles of calves and thighs draw into knots; Pod. same in intestines. Convulsion: usually begins in fingers and toes; tonic spasms of thumbs. Paralysis: flexors, Plb. extensors; of lower, suffocative attacks, heat internally, cold externally like Ars. and reverse of Carb-v., anxiety, anguish, from fright. Lets things fall from hands, like Agar. and Apis. Lymphatic vessels inflame, hand to shoulder, violent swelling of hand. Child shoots out limbs with great violence, then against abdomen as violently, back and forth, like Tab.
Thumbs clenched in epilepsy after a fall on head;

Deep, after convulsions.

After epilepsy. Surface intensely cold and blue, long continued cold sweat and great prostration.

Fever intermittent, body icy cold, predominates, surface blue, collapse, urine suppressed.

Cold, long continued.

Symptoms from suppressed eruptions; from undeveloped: Zinc,; as important as Zinc. in suppressed eruption of measles and scarlet fever, from chill or exposure to wind, when convulsions as in above IDENTIFICATION result, and is the first remedy to be though of. In measles it brings out the rash and amelioration dry cough rapidly.
Symptoms from suppressed eruptions

Convulsions begin in fingers and toes; metastasis. Convulsions after vexation. Chlorosis after abuse of iron, like Puls., aggravation hot weather. Bell. and Cup. have a high state of sensitiveness, Bell. having also a high state of congestion. Paralysis of flexors, Plb. extensors. Trembles. Pains, knifelike aggravation least motion, take breath away, thinks one must die if they last. Spasm: vomit, hiccup, amelioration cold drinking water; after vexation or fright; as if dead after convulsion: cramp or, drawing in fingers precede, thumbs clench or muscles twitch; shriek on going into; appears as dead after; when pain is on he wants to be covered up and have doors and windows closed; after suppression of discharge; great weakness, muscles relaxed; flexion and extension; uraemic, after cholera; before outbreak of measles, scarlet fever or suppressed eruption; from worms, like Cina; suddenly stopped discharges; between attacks: tired, weak, body relaxed; paralysis after; eradicates tendency to cramp and. Exhaustion of mind and body from overexertion and loss of sleep, like Cocc. and Nux. Results from suppressed skin troubles, especially acute exanthemata. Chorea: epilepsy and other purely nervous spasmodic affections all carry the above IDENTIFICATION; from fright; most violent, spasmodic vomiting, cold sweat; violent hysterical symptoms, violent laughing or weeping; during pregnancy. Child lies on abdomen, thrusts feet up, like Med. Epilepsy: clearly idiopathic, no organic lesion, aggravation about new moon, after mental excitement or fright; characterized by most violent spasms, cold sweat, blue surface; with above IDENTIFICATION, fall with a shriek, passes faeces and urine during attack; begins with constriction in lower part of chest. The chief characteristic of Cup. is - its symptoms are disposed to appear periodically or in groups. Muscles knot and remain so. Neuritis, lightninglike pains aggravation touch; Mag-p. amelioration heat and pressure. The dynamic antidote is especially Hep.


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