Cuprum metallicum: Cramping deathly feeling below sternum; retching before epilepsy

- Pulford


Grinds in brain affections, but if from worms: Cina.

Spasms: prevent speech; of oesophagus, like Zinc., paroxysmal, cough, intense pain behind sternum on attempting to swallow. Swallow with a gurgle that goes down through intestines.

Cramping deathly feeling below sternum; retching before epilepsy; vomit from receding eruption. (L): Deathlike sense; disposed to cramping pain; deathly sense below sternum. Spasms. Cramps: violent cutting in abdomen and, through to back, as if transfixed, prevents least motion; violent colic and constipated. Desire warm food and drink, like Lyc.; eat and drink greedily, Hep. hastily. Vomit: obstinately, always on waking a.m. on least motion; purges and, with cold dry blue skin; hiccough, spasms and, amelioration drinking cold water. Excessive fierce pain at intervals. Cardialgia, violent spasmodic vomiting and pressure.

Drawing pain in left hypochondrium, to hip. (L): Drawing pain in left hypochondrium; spasms of muscles. Colic: violent intermittent cramps and; spasmodic movements of muscles; most horrible, tend to collapse, convulsive vomiting, hiccup. Cramps, violent spasms or, in all limbs and upper abdomen, screams. Neuralgia of viscera, like Col. Tense or contracted, hot, tender to touch.

Cholera: workers in copper mines rarely ever get constipated; prophylactic, like Sulph., when taken internally or worn next to skin; morbus or infantum, terrible cramping pain; Asiatic, spasmodic stage most prominent, and above IDENTIFICATION, painful pressure in scrobiculum aggravation touch, drinks pass down with an audible gurgling noise, chest contracted, vomit; or, scanty stool, desires warm food and drink, swallow with a gurgling sound, most terrible cramps in stomach, abdomen and limbs, purges, screams, and above IDENTIFICATION; Camp. : dry constipated, cold, averse to uncovering predominate; Verat. : profuse discharges and cold sweat especially on forehead predominate; in Cup.: CRAMPS and blueness.

Cholera: workers in copper mines

Urination involuntary and unconscious in mania; urine copious after epilepsy. (L): Urine suppressed in convulsions. Urine scanty in brain affections.

Afterpains: severe, crampy, in multipara; above IDENTIFICATION is to be found in dysmenorrhoea, childbed and afterpains. Chlorosis after abuse of iron, like Puls., aggravation hot weather. Cramps prevent coition, Graph. during, in aged persons who have been long single, then remarried, or, in those prematurely old, they appear in the calves, legs and feet. Dysmenorrhoea: violent delirium, eyes turn up, face distorts, sense of epilepsy; especially with above IDENTIFICATION; often hysterical. Menses suppressed by a cold bath, like Acon., when convulsions come on. Labor, when sudden blindness comes on, light in room seem to go out, pains ceases and convulsions as in above IDENTIFICATION come on. Puerperal convulsions. Young girls at first menses, violent cramps in abdomen, limbs and uterus, diarrhoea.
Painful menses(dysmenorrhoea)

Hoarse in dry cold air. Voice cracked, squeaky; weak.

Dyspnoea: intense, a handkerchief before nose or face takes breath away; the more d. the more the thumbs are clenched and the fingers cramped; breath interrupted and almost suppressed, cough; spasmodic; pain almost takes breath away. Asthma: hiccup begins attack; millari, of child, attack violent, no cough; spasmodic, face blue, throat constricted, intense dyspnoea, retches, vomits.

Intense dyspnoea

Uninterrupted paroxysms; in sea wind. (L): Long lasting paroxysms, convulsions. Respiration interrupted, almost suppressed. Whooping: amelioration drinking cold water, like Coc- c.; child gets stiff, breathing apparently ceases, spasmodic twitchings, after a while they vomit and recover slowly, or, child coughs into a complete cataleptic spasm with each paroxysm; violent, spasmodic, face purple, vomits; threatens suffocation of child; long uninterrupted attacks till breath is gone; most malignant forms; chilly before attack.

Cough Uninterrupted paroxysms; in sea wind

Constriction from anger, after drinking and before vomiting. Constriction: deathly sense of beneath sternum on attempting to swallow; as if transfixed with a knife from xiphoid appendix to back, or, as of a lump or wind collecting there. Knifelike thrusts from ensiform cartilage to back, aggravation least motion. Beginning paralysis of lungs, sudden dyspnoea, great prostration follows. Pneumonia, lack of reaction, cold sweat and surface, excessive dyspnoea. Chronic aortitis, like Bar-c., distress behind sternum.


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