- Pulford

Spasms, convulsive tendency, or cramps, usually begin in fingers and toes by twitching, may be preceded by blindness, thumbs clenched across palms, fingers drawn tightly and violently over thumbs and difficult to open, face and lips blue, muscles often drawn into knots and may remain so.

The grand central characteristic is - SPASMS. Restless tossing about; constantly uneasy and changing about. Eyes sunken, blue rings around. Face depicts fear and anguish. Taste slimy, metallic. Great thirst for cold drinks which amelioration. cold viscid sweat. Cold, bluish skin. suddenness; violence manifested everywhere; all actions spasmodic or convulsive; convulsive sphincters; convulsive cramps all over body, twitch, jerk, tremble; irregular activities. COMMENT.

The grand central characteristic is - SPASMS.

Anxiety before attack of whooping cough; malignant insanity; stupefaction from suppressed exanthemata. Delirium: loquacious, apathy follows; bellows like a calf; talks and prattles incoherently. Bell. and Cup. have a high state of sensitiveness, but Bell. unlike Cup. has a high state of congestion. Insanity: fits; when inflammation suddenly ceases. Afraid of one's own thoughts, desires diversion from them. Like Ars., fears to be left alone. Excitable. Frenzy. Exposes teeth. Child afraid of strangers during dentition. Mania, bites, tears, foolish gestures of mimicry, or, shrieks with great fear, tries to escape from everyone, chilly not amelioration heat. Convulsions, between attacks talks incoherently, delirious, spiteful, violent, weeps or shrieks. Nervous, wants to fly. Girls who have always had their own way, never been crossed, as they grow toward puberty and must submit to discipline, have mad fits and cramps.

In attacks, amelioration stool.

Lancinating pain in forehead amelioration pressure. (L): Pain in forehead between eyes. In brain affections, congestion, meningitis, or apoplexy, spasms in some degree must be present from simple twitching of fingers and toes to general convulsions; brain affections of child, catarrhal fever, difficult dentition or exanthematic disease, cannot hold head up. Ache: after epileptic attack; valuable when extremely violent, continued, sense of water poured over head; violent vomit all food and drink, eyes sunken; extremely violent over frontal sinuses, in nasal catarrh, like Kali-i. Metastasis to brain from other organs. Meningitis from suppressed eruption, loud screams, blue lips and above identification.

Pain in forehead between eyes.

Vision lost before convulsion, on looking up. Balls: rotate constantly, lids closed; turn up, either in or outward. Deep, sunken, blue rings around. Sudden blindness during progress of labor. Itch severely. Spasms of muscles, jerk, twitch, roll, like Agar.

Drumming in ears lain on, amelioration rising up.

As of a violent rush of blood to.

Pale. Blue lips and. Neuralgia, pains burn, sting, aggravation touch like Ars.

Chronically inflamed tongue. Froth. A slimy, metallic taste is strongly indicative; Rhus the only other remedy. Tongue: cold breath and; paralysis, with general paralysis; darts back and forth, like Lach., rapidly. Speech: spasms of throat prevent speech; stutters. Sweet taste.


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