Digitalis cntd....

- Pulford


Terrible pain at root after vomiting. Pain in head on drinking cold water, settles in forehead and runs down nose.

Pale; appears deathlike, or bluish red.

Putrid taste after coition. Ptyalism sweetish, fetid. Copious saliva. tongue clean, appetite lost.

Disordered after coition; sensitive to, and sinking from, bad news. Drinks much, eats little, like Sulph., lips dry, tongue clean. Vomit: food, green bile or mucus; when expectorating. Nausea: at mere sight or smell of food, not amelioration vomiting; distressing; sometimes amelioration eating; vomiting and, during pregnancy as if one would die; continuous, anguish, desponding, or fainting, or sinking at pit, vomits. Weak: deathly, sinking down, as if life would become extinct, aggravation after breakfast. Feels best when stomach is empty, reverse of Chel. and Hep. Every shock strikes at stomach, like Kali-c.
Stomach Disordered after coition;

Cutting. Fulness. Incarcerated hernia. Jaundice, vomit, liver hard, sore over region of liver, and above IDENTIFICATION, stool white; urine high color like Myrica, often ascites and fainting attacks.

Diarrhoea, violent, drowsy, cold sweat and above IDENTIFICATION.

Whitish ashy gray. Bilious. Clay color. Often colorless.


Bladder pulsates, also before urinating; urine often, scanty, water color. (L): Full sense in bladder after urinating; constant violent urging at night. Gonorrhoea; urethritis or, urethra burns, discharge thick, bright yellow, prepuce puffed, infiltrated with serum; if indurated: Sulph.; strangury, prostate inflamed, also upper part of urethra and bladder. Bladder: inflamed, especially neck, like Canth. and Merc-c., even prostatic troubles that occur, the passing of even a few drops of urine increases the desire as to cause one to walk about in distress. Kidneys inflamed, chronic, urine scanty or suppressed, oedema of lungs, heart failure threatens, and above IDENTIFICATION, and after scarlet fever. Prostate: enlarge, in old men, important, lascivious; diminishes size; where there is residuary urine, in old men and bachelors. Strangury, frequent urging, especially on standing or sitting, pressure on bladder not amelioration urinating, urging incessant, often interrupted by scanty urination; forcing pressure on bladder.

Full sense in bladder  ,Bladder pulsates, also before urinating;

Male, weak, emissions especially during sleep, faint, limbs weak, and above Hydrocele, especially with scanty or suppressed urine and albuminuria. Menses suppressed, haemorrhage form lungs, cardiac troubles. Dropsy.

Male, weak, emissions especially during sleep,


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