Diseases are cause of Reaction between Yeast and Human Immune system:-HYPOTHESIS

- Dr.Devendra Kumar MD(Homeo),

A research should be point towards reaction of immune system to yeast.

Yeast buds
 Most diseases spring after taking fermented food, yeast is the cause of fermentation,
organic acids are good host for the growth of the yeast.

when person takes fermented food containing yeast, immediately reaction starts in the body.
Body immune system try to through out the yeast from the body, in this scenario production of
more oesonophils, neutorphils, mucus cells, lymphocytes,monocytes(Histamine) will be used for the elimination of yeast.

As soon as taking yeast contained food, reaction in the form of Rhinitis, sneezing will be started.

Yeast will be pushed out through mucus secretion from nose. If this channel is blocked by means of
mental inhalation, or by using citrizine like antihistamines, the channel of elimination will be changed,

If the body eliminates yeast from nose the person experience Rhinitis, severe cold and catarrh,
If the channel is though lung alveoli the person will experience severe cough,
If the channel is through intestinal mucus membrane, the person experience gastritis,excess gastric secretions,
mucus stools (IBS),
If the channel is through sinus it is sinusitis,
If the channel is through lung coverings it is pleurisy.
If the channel is through cerebrum it is hydrocephalus,

Immune cells
 Some times the dead yeast content may lodge in inter cellular space along with mucus secretions, like in liver and kidney, calcification takes place to produce renal and gallstones.

We may name different names to the disease depends on part selected by body to eliminate the dead yeast.
But basic pathology is similar in all cases.

The channel selected by body for elimination process is depends on the reactive ability of the body ,the strength of immune system.

Some people will not react on taking fermented food but few people reacts after taking the same.
This is due to the altered immune system.

Why immune system is so sensitive to the yeast? Previously it was healthy and feel comfort with yeast contained food but now it is reactive to the same?

 I have observed so many cases in my clinical practice,in most of the cases there is always suppression of skin disease, eruptions in any form.

once after the suppression of skin disease, the person becomes sensitive to yeast contained food substances.

The cause for most of the diseases can be explained on the basis this yeast reaction in body.

Your comments and observations are welcome on this topic.


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