Ferrum metallicum:Chlorosis, aggravation. Winter; weak, amelioration walking slowly.

- Pulford


(L): Aggravation motion; spasmodic cough, after eating; cough when walking. Cough aggravation after drinking anything warm.

Copious, while moving; bloody, during lactation.

Constriction, aggravation bed covering, amelioration lying with head high; cramp, on walking; haemorrhage, amelioration walking slowly; bursting pin in sternum, after cough. Congestion, aggravation midnight, must sit up and uncover chest in order to breathe and cool off. Use cautiously in advanced phthisis, on account of its power to produce haemorrhage. Oppression of chest is very marked, and it should be compared with Phos. In haemorrhagic phthisis the acetate, iodide or phosphate is preferable to the metal in such cases unless the similarity is close.
Chest Constriction,amelioration lying with head high;

Pulsating in cervical region, aggravation motion. Pain in lumbar region, amelioration walking slowly.

Irresistible desire to bend arm; cold feet during headache, after menses; toes icy cold; left hand numb, right cold; pain amelioration slow motion and slow walking, and in upper arm amelioration slow motion; rheumatic pain in hips (1), and right shoulder, reverse of Led.; boring pain in shoulder from weight of bed clothes; gnawing pain in upper left side arm, aggravation motion; pinching pain in right deltoid; sore, bruised pain in upper limbs, amelioration heat, and, in shoulder, placing arm backward impossible; swelling of feet, in chlorosis. (L): Pain in upper limbs, on raising arm; pain in lower limbs, before midnight; tearing pain in shoulder, cannot raise arm. Pain in deltoid, unable to raise arm.
Irresistible desire to bend arm;

Violent, afternoon, face red. Cold, 3 a.m., on waking; time, 3 a.m.; violent, face red, thirst. Chilly during day, cheeks flushed bright red, p.m.

Sense of heat all over body, body cold to touch, reverse of Bar-c.

Morning, till noon. (L): Copious, in bed, in morning.

Chlorosis, aggravation. Winter; weak, amelioration walking slowly, rapidly: Stann. Weak from mere speaking or walking. Anaemia of delicate girls with low spirits, who are badly constipated. Throbbing pains all over body, throb violently. Neuralgia from washing in cold water, especially when overheated. Aggravation from eating eggs, on ascending steps, sitting down and rising from a seat. Cases with profound prostration, generally restless, amelioration walking slowly about, aggravation active effort, even though looking strong. One of the very best remedies for overdosing with quinine.
Weak anemic girls


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