Rosa canina

Materia medica | Proving :
Rosa canina
It is prepared from the wild rose, a deciduous shrub 1.8-3.6 m high, with erect or straggling, glabrous branches armed with stout, short, hooked spins. Rosa canina is one of the principal sources of rose hips, which are rich in ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). The earliest report on this drug is found in J. H. Clarke’s materia medica. According to him Burnett had made a proving on himself which evoked increased flow of urine and little heat in the urethra. Clarke has also indicated this drug for bladder affections and dysuria. A recent proving by Karine Haukaa was published in the journal Homoeopathic Links, 4/2006, which has provided few more details on the characteristics of the drug. The proving was conducted at Norway during the winter of 2002/2003. This drug is available in mother tincture, 6, 30, 200 and 1M potencies from SchwabeIndia.

Lot of irritability, a result of small things, mainly petty details, along with a feeling of not wanting to be disturbed. Control, calmness, presence and not present. Positive attitude and a better ability to be present. Need to be with others.

Cramps in the stomach. Not satisfied even after eating a lot.

Uncontrollable diarrhoea. Constipation with increased concentration.

Cramps in the heart region.

Uncontrollable nausea. Cramps in the extremities.

Clear dreams. About everyday things. About former relationships. Loneliness and being an outcast. About being chased by animals or being bitten by them.

Stitching pain. More energy. Cramps and pulsations in general especially in the stomach, heart region and in the extremities. Sensation of heat and increased circulation.


1. Homoeopathic Links, 4/2006


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