- Pulford

Agonized tossing about.


Aconium nepellus
 Agonized tossing about. Excessively restless. Extreme anxiety, inconsolable, often with chilliness and one red cheek, the other pale; especially in fever is one cheek red and hot, the other pale and cold. Vertigo, or faint, on rising up. Expression of fear and anxiety, especially fear of death. Great unquenchable thirst for large quantities, drinking seems to increase the thirst, the water agrees, everything but the water tastes bitter. High fever; skin dry and hot. Pulse full, bounding, hard. Pains acute, sticking, followed by numbness and tingling. Urine dark and hot. Sweat copious and warm, even hot, usually critical and amelioration, all pain and other symptoms. All the attacks come on suddenly and with violence.

Fear: of crossing a busy street, and during pregnancy. (L): Thought he was about to die; fear of a crowd; nervous excitement. Thinks much of fine clothes, like Phos. Music makes her sad; during menses: Nat-c.

(L): Staggers or sways to right.


Headache accompanied
by Mental symptoms
 Formication, amelioration heat; heat as from a hot iron around head; cramping pain, as from suppressed catarrh. All the head pains are accompanied by the characteristic mental distress clinically. Pain are hot, full, reminding one of Bell., but Bell. lacks the agonized tossing about. Headache is ameliorated on lying, but the other symptoms are aggravated thereby. Head is also ameliorated by copious urination, like Gels., Sil. and Verat., but these lack the agonized tossing about.

Inflamed and extremely painful, from cold dry winds, which cause so much pain that one wishes to to die: lids especially sensitive to cold air.In glaucoma, if its action is not prompt, resort to other remedies at once as the disease destroys sight rapidly.

As of cold air on tongue. Acute inflammation of tongue with dry mouth; moist mouth: Merc. Everything tastes bitter except water; the only other known remedy so far: Stann.

Said to be a comforting remedy in toothache; place one drop on cotton and place in hollow teeth.

Tingling in oesophagus.

Burning, cutting pain, from navel to chest, during stool.

When indicated, and given in the beginning will cut short and cure an attack of either cholera morbus or dysentery, and is a valuable intercurrent in the latter, when Merc-c. apparently indicated fails. In dysentery during hot days and cold nights; if mucus persists a tenesmus ceases, give Sulph.

Anxious urging on beginning to urinate; involuntary urination with thirst and fear. Urine retained from shock (in the mother: Caust.), or every time the child takes cold; in the new - born it is usually the principal remedy, the child cries and is restless. Ineffectual urging in infants and children.

Menses suppressed by a cold bath.

Loud, barking. Dry, hoarse, loud, barking, from change of temperature, aggravation expiration, reverse of Spong.


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