- Pulford

Eyes :

Injected cornea
Amelioration muscular exertion; melanosis; yellow spots marked by a network of bloodvessels on cornea; vision: yellow crested - shaped bodies moving obliquely upward, or foggy in hemiopia amelioration moonlight, or, sparks on exertion of mind. (L): Injected cornea; hemiopia, upper half of vision lost. Great vascularity, iris inflamed, especially aggravation touch, sore around eyes, as if in bones. Vision: tension interferes with; as if upper half was covered with a dark body and remains invisible; bright floating specks and dots seen by gaslight; showers of bright starlike bodies seen in upper dark section of field of vision, which shoots up and divides, then sees stars in every direction, like a rocket that explodes and comes down in a shower; hemiopia, left eye. Similar to Asa. in pain about eye, but Asa. is amelioration pressure. Protrude as in exophthalmic goitre, heart enlarged. Iritis, much pain around eyes, seemingly deep in bone. Pupils dilate irregularly. Amelioration: cold water; moonlight.

(L): Pain behind left, bores, pricks; hearing acute amelioration music. Oversensitive to noise, amelioration music. Nose and, annoyingly dry. Rushing, as of wind or falling water.


Pain in nasal bone.with ch.catarrah.
  Brown red spots; tip knobby; bones sore, right side. (L): Nostrils agglutinated; cancer; discharge fetid; right side inflamed; boring pain in bones nights; sore bruised pain in bones; ulcerative pain inside right nostril on touch. Horrible odor from mouth and. Ozena and caries of bone where Kali-bi. seems indicated and fails. Flattens down; bones discharged, like Hep. and Merc. Coryza, discharge thick, like white of egg. Tip knobby red, like Lach. Strawberry Nose. Little knots on, composed of varicose veins, in right sided heart cases, as found also in old drinkers. Epithelioma of wing and lip, horrible offensive odor from Nose, pain in bones and loss of smell.

Epithelioma near wing of nose; parotids pain on touch; boring pain in zygoma aggravation walking; burning pain in caries. (L): Caries of bone, bone inflames; sore bruised pain in lower jaw. Red, during excitement. Pale red spots in heart affections. Blue about nose and lips. Glowing red. Bloated, flushed, shiny, headache.

Boring pain in palate; taste milky, or, as of spoiled game. (L): Caries of palate. Wart on tongue. Horrible odor from nose and.

Thyroid enlarged, pulse rapid full, eyes protrude.

Pressing pain aggravation expiration. Nausea a.m., amelioration after breakfast. Digestion slow. Drunkards crave alcohol.

(L): Inguinal hernia, child. Liver enlarged, hard, inflamed, especially in connection with enlarged heart.

Heavy ring of warts around anus.

Often fluid, grayish, bileless.


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