- Gladstone Clarke.

Lacrimation is the guiding
symptom in Euphrasia.
1. Acute catarrhal affections esp. of eyes and nose; profuse acrid lachrymation with profuse bland coryza (rev. All. C.); often assoc. soreness and pressive pain behind sternum and hacking cough with free mucous expectoration; cough only during daytime, ((<)) on rising a.m.; influenza; whooping cough. 2. Conjunctivitis; acute with excessive, acrid, watery discharge; sub-acute with profuse, mattery discharge, making cheeks sore; accumulation of mucous on cornea causing frequent blinking to effect removal; photophobia; lid margins swollen, red, burning, even ulcerating. 3. Menstrual disorders; flow lasts only one hour. or late and lasting only one day. 4. Ailments resulting from falls; contusions, or mechanical injuries to external parts. 5. Modalities; ((<)) evening or on rising a.m.; indoors; warmth; south winds; (>) outdoors.


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