- Gladstone Clarke.

Natrum mur type of
1. Calcarea anaemic subjects; pale, earthy or yellowish, greasy- looking complexion; children emaciated (esp. about the neck) and old in appearance; debility (from loss of vital fluids. 2. Great depression; lachrymose yet irritable esp. at small, non- essential noises; seems to desire but is markedly (<) consolation; dislikes company, (>) alone; emotionally sensitive to music memory weak with inability to concentrate; hysteria, affections beyond control. 3. Headaches, chronic, hammering, periodic, blinding; from sunrise to sunset, (<) motion (>) semi-recumbent position, face pale or only slightly diffused; esp. in anaemic girls and women. 4. Condition of mucous membranes:- (a) Chronic; dryness with ulcerations or cracks; e.g. of alimentary canal with constipation, dry, crumbling stools, and sore, fissured anus; (b) acute; free watery discharges, often coarse, frothy mucus esp. from upper respiratory tract. 5. Good appetite yet emaciation; inordinate craving for salt (Phos.) dislike to facts and bread; (>) going without regular meals. 6. "Mapped" tongue (patch appearance) with sense of dryness and violent thirst. 7. Skin; (a) chronic; dryness with fissures, corns, warts, hangnails, etc. (b) acute; eczematous eruptions, raw surface, acrid, watery discharge, esp. at scalp margin; acne; urticaria after violent exercise; hydroa on lips or tongue, esp. during colds or intermittents. 8. Backache; severe, sacro-lumbar; (>) pressure, e.g. lying on something hard; often assoc. with delayed M.P. and bearing-down pains. 9. Inability to micturate in the presence of others. 10. Modalities; (<) heat esp. close room, must have air though apt to feel chilly and take cold; (<) 9-11 a.m.; salt; at seaside, etc.; mental exertion; (>) loose clothing. Notes. Chronic of Ignatia and Bryonia. Should not be given during a fever paroxysms.


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