- Gladstone Clarke.

Pulsatilla woman.
1. Persons with sandy hair, pale face, blue eyes, sedentary habit; slow, gentle, yielding, emotional temperament. Anaemic, chlorotic women; girls in their teens; often overdosed with iron, quinine and other "tonics"; subject to styes and varicosis. 2. Great changeableness both of patient and symptoms; prevailing mood of melancholy with tearfulness, consolation sentimental esp. at twilight; full of strange ideas esp. in the religious sphere; submissive yet at times peculiarly obstinate, easily upset, etc., never pugnacious (ctr. Nux. V.). 3. Acute or sub-acute catarrhal conditions; discharges copious, creamy, yellow or greenish-yellow, thick and bland (leucorrhoea may be acrid). 4. Drawing, tearing pains; erratic, rapidly shift locality; with characteristic modalities; accompanied by chilliness yet cool air (>). 5. Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints yet dryness of the mouth esp. a.m. (rev. Merc.). 6. Gastro-intestinal complaints from overloading the stomach; from eating rich foods, fat, pork, etc.; from fruit, cold things, ices; thickly coated white tongue; hates fat. likes sour things and things not good for her; diarrhoetic stools, very changeable- no two alike. 7. Various menstrual disorders; periods irregularly, gen. delayed and scanty; flow intermits and only or (<) during daytime; derangements at puberty in chlorotic girls; amenorrhoea esp. from getting feet wet, also ailments resulting therefrom. A valuable remedy during pregnancy and after. 8. One-sided complaints esp. sweats. 9. Sleepiness; evening and first part of night but sleeps late into the morning; weaker the longer she lies (ctr. Nux. V.). 10. Modalities; (<) warmth esp. warm rooms; (>) gentle motion in cool open air, yet may complain of chilliness; (>) cold applications; (<) twilight to midnight; lying left or painless side, abuse of tea. Notes. Silica the chronic remedy in nearly all complains. Keynote-Instability.


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