-Gladstone Clarke.
Symptoms :
Subjects of onanism
1. Scrofulous or syphilitic subjects; elderly persons. 2. Mental Hypersensitiveness; offended at trifles; continual concern about the future; peevishness, sometimes violent temper; children petulantly push or throw away things for which they cried; apathy, depression. 3. Ailments from mental emotions, esp. pride. envy, charging. indignation, unmerited insults, etc. 4. Caries of the teeth; at edges; in scrofulous or syphilitic children; in women during pregnancy; toothache during M.P. (<) touch of food or drink, not on biting or chewing. 5. Sexual disorders with hypersensitiveness of generative organs; mental and physical effects of onanism and excesses; guilty, abashed look; mind persistently dwells on sexual subjects. 6. Prostatic troubles in old men; burning in urethra when not urinating; urging and pain after. in women, prolapse of uterus with relaxed, hanging-down feeling in abdomen, wants to support which hands; backache always (<) night in bed and in morning before rising. 7. Injuries from sharp cutting instruments, glass, etc.; neuralgias after surgical operations. 8. Moist itching eruptions; after scratching, burning and itching appear elsewhere; figwarts, condylomata, etc. 9. Affections of the eyelids; styes, tumours, nodosities, chalazae, etc. 10. Modalities; (<) cold; least touch affected parts; mental emotions; (<) tobacco esp. the cough. Note. Inimical to Ran. Bulb.


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