Bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchial tubes:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Homeopathy for Bronchitis: What Homeopathic Remedies to Use
Description of disease
Inflammation of the tubes which convey air to the lungs. There is usually fever, constant and violent irritation, cough, hoarseness, uneasiness of breathing, oppressed and anxious wheezing, whistling or rattling respiration. The cough is generally dry at first, followed by expectoration of frothy, thick, or blood-streaked mucus.
(Acute and chronic Bronchitis require the aid of an experienced physician).

Medicinal treatment
Aconitum napellus
Must be employed during the inflammatory stage, with fever, short dry cough, and constant irritation.
Dose. -Two drops every three or four hours in a dessertspoonful of water.
Antimonium tartaricum
In children and old persons, with difficult breathing and much mucus.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Bryonia alba
When there are stitches in the side, or pains in the head, on coughing.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Hepar sulphur
- see spongia.
Is especially useful when the mucous rattle is predominant, the skin hot and dry, and the efforts to expectorate are ineffectual.
Dose. -See under Spongia.
If there are pains in the chest or throat, great hoarseness, or a dry cough from tickling in the throat.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Spongia tosta
If there is much hoarseness, with hollow, barking, dry cough, wheezing breathing, or burning in the chest. It is frequently useful after the previous use of Aconitum in alternation with Hepar.
Dose. -As Aconitum, or alternately with two grains of Hepar, every four hours as required.

Accessory treatment
The patient's room should be well ventilated, but not draughty or cold. Hot fomentations will frequently relieve, or brandy and oil, or camphorated oil may be well rubbed in over the chest and between the shoulders. As a preventive, the free, daily external use of cold water is highly beneficial. The patient should partake of mucilaginous drinks, gum-water, barley-gruel, simple jellies, and the like. -See Cough.


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