Chicken-pox (varicella):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

Description of disease
A pustulous eruption resembling Small-pox, but much milder in its character, and shorter in the duration of its stages. The fever is generally slight, the eruption appears twenty-four hours after the commencement of the disorder, and disappears on the fourth of fifth day. It is distinguished by the pimples not being depressed in the centre, by the irregularity of their occurrence, and by the absence of the odour peculiar to Small-pox. The eruption commences upon the back.

Medicinal treatment
Aconitum napellus
If there is much fever.
Dose. -Four drops to be mixed with four dessertspoonfuls of water; a dessertspoonful to be taken every two or three hours.
If the brain is affected, or there is much heat or pain in the head.
Dose. -As Aconitum, or may be given in alternation with that remedy every three hours.
Mercurius solubilis
Where there is much itching.
Dose. -Two grains, as Aconitum.
Pulsatilla pratensis
If the eruption is slow in its development, or there are gastric symptoms.
Dose. -As Aconitum, taken three or four times a chk

Accessory treatment
The patient should be kept cool in a quiet and well ventilated room until the fever has left him. He may be sponged down frequently with tepid water, and his diet must be light at first, gradually becoming more nourishing.


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