Cold in the head (coryza):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

Cold in head
Description of ailment:
Irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes. The head feels stuffed and heavy, particularly over the eyes and about the root of the nose; an increased discharge issues from the nose, causing soreness and excoriation, and there is sneezing, watering of the eyes, sore throat, etc.
Cold in the head, or catarrh, is generally a mild ailment, but if occurring in aged persons, in those predisposed to consumption, or in those who are asthmatic, or who have suffered from bronchitis, pleurisy, or pneumonia, it may be very serious; a neglected cold is said to be the cause of half our diseases in the form of bronchitis, quinsy, erysipelas, rheumatism, neuralgia, inflammation of the lungs, consumption, etc. *
For the incipient stage

Medicinal treatment:
Camphor and Aconitum See Causes of Disease, page 21; also, Preventive Treatment.
Dry cold in the head
Medicinal treatment
Nux vomica
When there is suppression of discharge, with stoppage of nose and heaviness in the forehead.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every two to four hours, according to the severity of the symptoms - a teaspoonful may be given to a child.

Fluent cold in the head:
Medicinal treatment:
Arsenicum album
If there is a profuse watery discharge from the nose, sometimes with soreness of the nose, and if relief is obtained from warmth. -See under Influenza.
Dose. -As Nux Vomica.
Hydrastis canadensis
When thick discharge from the nostrils or respiratory passages continues after the inflammation symptoms have subsided.
Dose. -As Nux Vomica.
Kalium iodatum
For profuse, thick discharge from the nose, without excoriation, and accompanied by inflamed eyelids.
Dose. -Three drops, as Nux Vomica.
Mercurius solubilis
In most cases of ordinary cold in the head, when there is a copious discharge of mucus from the nose, and frequent sneezing.
Dose. -Two grains every four or six hours.
Pulsatilla pratensis
In cases where there is much thick or offensive discharge from the nose, or where there is complete loss of taste and smell.
Dose.-Two drops in a little water - repeat as Mercurius Sol.

Accessory treatment:
See under Catarrhal Fever. -Good nursing and promoting perspiration are the best means of getting rid of a cold. Systematic cold bathing and sponging are required to get rid of a tendency to colds in the head. -See Catarrhal Fever, Cough, Influenza, and Causes of Disease, in the Introduction.

Preventive treatment:
Camphora officinalis
(The strong saturated solution), if taken on the first indications of a cold in the head, will generally prevent its development.
Dose. -Five drops (two for a child) on a small lump of sugar every half hour for three or four doses: afterwards, three times a day, if frequent.


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