Ears, discharge from the (otorrhoea):

Ear discharge
 -JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
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Discharge from the ears arising from cold:

Medicinal treatment:
Mercurius solubilis
If the discharge is waxy or purulent, or if there is much excoriation of the ear.

Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water night and morning.
Pulsatilla pratensis
If the discharge is purulent or mucous.
Dose. -Two drops repeated as Mercurius Sol., or three times a day.

Accessory treatment
The ears should be kept very clean by being frequently washed with tepid milk and water, and occasionally carefully syringed with the same, or if the discharge is thick and fetid, with a lotion made by mixing three or four drops of strong Carbolic Acid and a teaspoonful of glycerine with a wineglassful of water.

Discharge from the ears after acute diseases

Medicinal treatment;
If after Scarlatina.
Dose. -Two drops night and morning in little water.
Mercurius solubilis
If after small-pox.
Dose. -Two grains night and morning.
Pulsatilla pratensis
If after Measles or Scarlatina. See under Measles.
Dose. -As Belladonna.

Accessory treatment
See under Discharge from the Ears arising from Cold.


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