Excoriation of the skin of infants - (intertrigo):

Excoriation of skin
 -JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Loma Lux Homeopathic Medicine, Psoriasis, 8 fl oz (237 ml)
Description of ailments:
Soreness of the skin mostly arising from want of cleanliness, from insufficient drying after washing, from pressure, or from chafing.

Excoriation in general:
Medicinal treatment:
Is generally the best remedy.
Dose. -Four drops to be mixed in half a small tumbler of water, and a teaspoonful given night and morning.
After Chamomilla, or it is insufficient.
Dose. -Two grains mixed and repeated as Chamomilla.

Accessory treatment
Great cleanliness; frequently bathing the parts with cold or tepid water, and wiping them dry with soft flannel, dusting them with plain powder or powdered starch, or using a lotion of tincture of Calendula (six to ten drops of the tincture to a teaspoonful of tepid water). Glycerole of Hydrastis(diluted with an equal bulk of water) is a useful application in bad cases.

Excoriation behind the ears:
Medicinal treatment :
Is the proper medicine.
Dose. -Two grains to be mixed in a wineglassful of water, and a teaspoonful given three times a day.

Accessory treatment
See under Excoriation in General.


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