Faceache. -tic douloureux - neuralgic pains in the face (prosopalgia):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Face pain
Description of Disease. -Paroxysms of severe pain, frequently under the eye, and in front of the ear; shooting over the other parts of the face, most generally on one side only, and sometimes accompanied with spasmodic twitchings of the facial muscles. It is often slight at first, but gradually increases in severity until the patient may become almost wild with the pain. It is often very obstinate of cure; relapses are of frequent occurrence, and it may be complicated with rheumatism, or be the result of cold, wounds, contusions, affections of the teeth, suppressed eruptions, etc.

Faceache in general:
Medicinal treatment
Aconitum napellus
Is useful in inflammatory or rheumatic faceaches, where there is great heat and swelling, or where there is violent throbbing, or intolerable pains with fever.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every half hour or hour, gradually increasing the interval as the pain abates.
Arsenicum album
If the pains are of a violent burning character, and are relieved by the application of external heat, or if there is great prostration, or if the pains are so severe as to drive almost to despair, or are periodical.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every two to three hours.
If the pains are in the nerves under the eyes and there is heat and redness of the face, or if the pains are worse from the slightest movement, rubbing the part, the least noise, or even a current of air.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
If there are violent tearing and shooting pains, principally on the left side of the face, and extending to the ears and all parts of the head, also if the pains are aggravated by the slightest touch.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Nux vomica
In rheumatic nervous faceache if there are drawing and jerking pains, or if the pains are aggravated by thinking, or cold air, or after eating: or if the patient leads a sedentary life.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Spigelia anthelmia
When of a rheumatic character with pain extending to the heart, anxiety and great restlessness, the pain being periodical, and increased by stooping.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Will frequently be found useful when the pain commences in a hollow tooth and spreads over the whole jaw, or if there are pressive beating pains extending from the teeth to the eyes.
Dose.- As Aconitum.

Accessory treatment
If the faceache is severe, the external application of Aconite in the form of five drops of the strong tincture (poison) in a teaspoonful of strong spirits of wine, may be rubbed into the affected part every half hour if necessary: or chloroform may frequently be applied externally with benefit: or applications of cold water or of ice in some cases, and cloths dipped in hot water in others. During a prevalence of tic-douloureux, a warm bath at 96 degrees may be taken two or three times a week. A careful diet and regimen is advisable (see under Indigestion), change of air and scene, active daily exercise in the country, on foot or on horseback, and avoidance of draughts of air and exposure to cold and wet. -See Toothache.

Faceache from chill:
Medicinal treatment
Aconitum napellus
See under faceache in General.
See under Faceache in General.
If there is great sensibility to pain, and restlessness, or swelling of the face.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four or two.
Mercurius solubilis
If worse at night, or with swelling of the cheeks.
Dose. -Two grains every there or four hours.

Accessory treatment
To draw near a hot fire, to wrap the face warmly up, or apply heated flannels, and promote free perspiration. -See under Catarrhal Fever and Swollen Face.


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