Giddiness - vertigo:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Giddiness from congestion of blood to the head:
Symptoms. -See under Determination of Blood to the Head.
Medicinal treatment
Aconitum napellus
May be taken alternately with Belladonna, or is especially useful if the giddiness is felt on raising the head when lying or stooping, or there is much redness of the face.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every one to four hours, or alternately with Belladonna at those intervals of time.
See Aconitum. -Or if there is partial loss of consciousness, staggering, or fullness and violent pressure in the forehead.
Dose. -See Aconitum.
Nux vomica
If during or after meals, or when walking in the open air, or with fainting, or with whirling of the head and danger of falling.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Accessory treatment
See under Determination of Blood to the Head. -The free use of cold water daily is indispensable, together with regular exercise in the fresh air.

Giddiness from indigestion or a disordered stomach :
Symptoms. -See under Chronic Indigestion or Dyspepsia.
Medicinal treatment
Nux vomica
See Giddiness from Congestion to the Head. -If from wine or coffee, or heavy meals.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every hour to three or four, according to circumstances.
Pulsatilla pratensis
If arising from fat or rich food or pastry, or if there is relief in the open air, or it is accompanied with nausea or with feelings as though intoxicated.
Dose. -As Nux Vomica.
Accessory treatment
See under Indigestion. -Fast a short time, and let the diet be plain and very light, drinking freely of cold water. In some cases it is advisable to promote vomiting by drinking freely of warm water, and tickling the back part of the throat with the finger or a feather.

Giddiness after or during a meal:
See under Indigestion.

Giddiness from weakness:
Medicinal treatment:
China officinalis
Is the best remedy.
Dose. -Three drops in a dessertspoonful of water three times a day.
Accessory treatment:
If unconnected with any special disease, a tonic and invigorating diet and regimen should be observed.


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