Head, determination of blood to the:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

(See under Giddiness and Congestive Headache).
Description of disease:
Red and puffy appearance of the face, with fullness of the vessels of the head and neck, the violent pulsation of which is felt throughout the frame; drowsiness, giddiness, headache increased by stooping or coughing, buzzing in the ears, disturbed sleep, etc., caused by a plethoric habit, stimulants, living too freely, an inactive life, etc.

Medicinal treatment:
Aconitum napellus
See under Giddiness.
See under Giddiness. -If worse at every step, or movement, or through the least noise or light.
Dose. -See Aconitum under Giddiness.
Bryonia alba
See under Digestive Headache.
Nux vomica
If it arises from indigestion, constipation, after a meal, from sedentary habits, or over excitement, or is worse in the open air.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four or six hours.
Is useful in serious cases of sudden congestion with heaviness, buzzing in the ears, throbbing in the head, ad feeling of stupefaction, or in cases arising from extreme constipation, where the patient has no desire for stool.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every one to four hours.

Accessory treatment:
See under Indigestion. -Rise early in the morning, and take plenty of exercise in the fresh air. Make a free use of cold water, both for drinking, bathing and sponging in; sitz baths daily in the forenoon; also immerse the feet in cold water every evening, rubbing them briskly afterwards, and abstain from heating and stimulating articles of diet.


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