Headache (cephalalgia):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Description of disorder:
Pain in the head, either all over the head, or at a particular spot, arising from various causes, as cold, rheumatism, congestion, indigestion, nervous affections, constipation, mental emotions, stimulants, fatigue, etc.

Bilious headache:
See under Bilious Attacks.

Catarrhal headache - (from a cold)
The headache is oppressive frequently better in the morning, worse in the evening, the eyes are full of tears sneezing, dry heat in the nose, some cough, etc.
Medicinal treatment
Is useful if the headache arises from a slight chill, or from suppression of perspiration.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every two to four hours.
Mercurius solubilis
If there is frequent sneezing, and much running at the nose, or chilliness, and pains in the limbs.
Dose. -Two grains repeated as Chamomilla.
Nux vomica
Where there is heaviness in the forehead, and stuffiness of the nose.
Dose. -As Chamomilla.
Accessory treatment
See under Catarrhal Fever. -Steaming the head over hot water will generally relieve. -See Catarrhal Fever and Influenza.

Congestive headache:
(from determination of blood to the head)
Symptoms. -Fullness and heaviness of the head, accompanied with giddiness, particularly on stooping, throbbing and heat, the beating of the arteries on the neck being visible, vomiting as the pain increases; the pain worse on shaking, moving the head, lying down, or stooping, sometimes better when standing.
Medicinal treatment
Aconitum napellus
If there are violent, stupefying pains, and red and bloated face, or burning pains through the head.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every two or three hours, or, if the headache is very violent, every hour.
Is useful in the severest forms of congestive headache, in alternation with Aconitum, or where there is violent throbbing, or great fullness and feeling of distension in the head, and excessive sensibility to the least noise, motion, or light.
Dose. -As Aconitum, or in alternation with that remedy.
Bryonia alba
If there is pain when stooping, as if the forehead would burst, or much throbbing, or if worse on moving about, especially on opening or moving the eyes.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Gelsemium sempervirens
Is useful for a settled, dull, dragging headache, mainly in the back of the head and nape of the neck, the pain extending to the shoulders, relieved when sitting by reclining the head on a high pillow; or if there are dimness of sight, giddiness, great heaviness, semi-stupor, and general malaise.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Nux vomica
When there is great heaviness of the head, with sensation as if it would burst, or violent headache over the eyes, increased by stooping or coughing, or if it has been caused by ardent spirits, sedentary habits, or mental labour, and is worse in the morning, or in the open air.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
If there is any feeling of stupefaction, muddy sensation, heaviness and throbbing in the head. See under Headache from Constipation and Determination of Blood to the Head.
Dose. -As Aconitum.
Accessory treatment
See under Determination of Blood to the Head. -The patient should avoid all violent excitement, and be careful with his diet, making a sparing use of meat, and avoiding stimulants, strong light, or much noise.

Headache from constipation, or gastric derangement
Furred tongue, bad taste in the mouth, entire loss of appetite, nausea, or even vomiting at an early stage, increasing with the pain.
Medicinal treatment:
Bryonia alba
If there is hard, tough stool, or difficulty in passing it. -See under Congestive Headache.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every three, four, or six hours.
Is a useful medicine in headaches with great nausea or vomiting.
Dose. -As Bryonia, repeated every one or two hours if required.
Nux vomica
If there is obstinate constipation, or ineffectual desire to relieve the bowels, or if the headache arises from coffee, tobacco, or spirituous liquors. -See under Congestive Headache.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
If there is long-continued costiveness with no desire for stool, or nothing but small hard balls passed (see under Constipation), and heaviness and throbbing in the the head.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
Pulsatilla pratensis
Is an excellent remedy in headaches connected with derangement, or acidity of the the stomach, or if arising from rich food, fat meats, or pastry.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
Accessory treatment
Persons subject to gastric headaches should take plenty of exercise daily in the the open air, be very careful with their diet (see under Indigestion), take a moderate allowance of good vegetables, brown bread once in the day, and avoid too much meat, especially such as is young or fat, bacon, or pastry, etc. A glass or two of cold spring water between meals will be beneficial. -See Headache under Indigestion, Constipation, and Biliousness. -And if the headache has been caused by any particular article of diet, consult Indigestion from Various Foods, Drinks, etc.

Headache from external causes
Medicinal treatment
Arnica montana
If arising from a fall, a blow, an injury, or fatigue.
Bryonia alba
If from a chill, changeable weather, heat, or over-heating.
Nux vomica
If from prolonged watching, sedentary habits, or mental labour.
Dose. -In sudden and violent attacks of headache the remedy may be given two drops every hour to three or four hours; if the headache is long continued, or habitual, it may be repeated twice or thrice a day.
Headache after or during a meal
See under Indigestion.
Medicinal treatment
If from anger or passion.
Ignatia amara
If from suppressed grief or mortified feelings.
If from fright.
Dose. -See under Headache from External Causes.
Menstrual headache
See under Menstruation.

Nervous headache:
neuralgic pains in the head. (megrim)
Symptoms. -The attacks are frequently periodical, the pain is of a tearing, throbbing, or hard-aching character, and is often felt on one side of the head only, or in a circumscribed spot. The painful part feels sore to pressure; light, noise, and mental agitation are intolerable and the headache is often attended with severe retching or vomiting of bile and mucus.
Medicinal treatment
See under Congestive Headache.
Bryonia alba
If there are shooting pains in the head, especially on one side, or if worse from motion, or during hot and changeable weather.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every three, four, or six hours.
China officinalis
If caused by very profuse or prolonged menstruation, by too prolonged nursing, by loss of blood from an operation, by general excess, or by chronic diarrhoea.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
Coffea cruda
If the pains seem intolerable, or affect only one side of the head, as though a nail was being driven into it.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
Gelsemium sempervirens
With pain over the eyes and across the forehead. -See also Congestive Headache.
Ignatia amara
If there are cramp-like pains over the root of the nose, or feeling as of a nail being pressed into the brain, or if the pain is momentarily relieved by a change of position.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
Nux vomica
If there is pain as of a nail being driven into the head, or if the headache is worse after eating, or in the open air, or by reflection, or mental labour, or in the morning. -See under Congestive Headache.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
Pulsatilla pratensis
If there be headache as if the head would burst, or feeling as though the head were in a vice, or jerking headache, or if the pain is relieved in the open air, but increased indoors or on lying down, or in the evening.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
Sepia officinalis
Is useful in periodical daily nervous headaches of hysterical females who suffer from menstrual irregularities, or when there are boring pains, with nausea and vomiting, or the headache is preceded by great weight in the head.
Dose. -Two grains repeated, as Bryonia.
Accessory treatment
Bathe the temples with Eau de Cologne, and lie down quietly in a partially darkened room. If subject to nervous headache, very great care should be taken with the diet, cold bathing should freely be made use of, or salt-water bathing down the lower part of the back, or spine, together with the use of the flesh-brush, and the patient should take horse exercise when practicable.

Rheumatic headache:
Medicinal treatment:
If there are violent pains, with redness of the face and eyes, or great sensibility to the least noise, light, or motion.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four or six hours.
Bryonia alba
If the pains are of a shooting character, or the headache is worse during bad or changeable weather.
Dose. -As Belladonna.
Cimicifuga racemosa
Is a valuable remedy, especially for women, and if the pains extend into the eyeballs.
Dose. -As Belladonna.
Nux vomica
When the pains are principally over the eyes, and are increased by stooping or coughing, or in the open air. -See under Nausea Headache.
Dose. -As Belladonna.
Rhus toxicodendron
When there are flying pains, increased by warmth in bed.
Dose. -As Belladonna.
Accessory treatment
See under Rheumatism, etc.


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