Heart, palpitation of the:

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Homeopathy for Heart Disease: What Homeopathic Remedies to Use and Why
Palpitation of Heart
 (palpitatio cordis)
 Description of disorder :
 Palpitation or pulsation of the heart felt distinctly and predominantly, sometimes even heard, or so strong as to shake the patient, or the bed on which he may be lying, and which may arise from nervous debility, hysteria, severe bodily suffering or violent emotions, constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, weakness from loss of blood or other discharges, a gouty condition, excessive bodily exercise, disease or excitable condition of the heart, etc.

 Palpitation from debility: 
 Medicinal treatment :
 China officinalis
 Is the most suitable remedy.
 Dose. -Three drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four hours.
 Accessory treatment
 Quietude of mind, regular hours, light meals, pure air, and gentle daily exercise. Sometimes a cold bath, or a tepid bath at about 92 degrees, two or three times a week, will be found useful.
 Palpitation from indigestion
 See under Chronic Indigestion or Dyspepsia.
 Medicinal treatment
 Nux vomica
 If it occurs in robust persons, or in the morning.
 Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every hour to three hours.
 Pulsatilla pratensis
 Is a most valuable remedy, especially if the palpitation is very violent, or occurs in the evening.
 Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every half-hour to three hours in acute cases, and twice or three a day in others.

 Accessory treatment
 See under Indigestion. -Gentle exercise, a careful diet, and a tepid bath occasionally.

Palpitation from mental emotions :
 Medicinal treatment :
 Aconitum napellus
 If from fear, or with fainting.
 If from fright.
 Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every half hour to three hours.
 Accessory treatment
 See under Palpitation in Nervous Persons.

Palpitation in nervous persons 
 Symptoms :
 With nervous palpitations there is frequently hurried or difficult breathing, a tendency to faint, flushing, giddiness, headache a fear of death, and a desire to press upon and control the heart, as it were, with the hands.
 Medicinal treatment
 Cimicifuga racemosa
 When associated with rheumatism or menstrual derangement.
 Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every half hour to three or four hours.
 Coffea cruda
 If there is great excitement and nervousness.
 Dose. -As Cimicifuga.
 Pulsatilla pratensis
 Is the best medicine in most cases especially if it is violent, or occurs in nervous, hysterical females, or is produced by the slightest cause.
 Dose. -As Cimicifuga.

 Accessory treatment
 See under Palpitation from Debility. -A temporary attack of palpitation is sometimes arrested by the use of a stimulant, as a small quantity of brandy in a little water, a few drops of Solution of Camphor on sugar, or a little strong tea or coffee. A cold or tepid sitz bath every morning for about five minutes may be found useful; and care should be taken to avoid violent mental excitement or strong physical exertion, to keep the feet dry and warm, and not to be exposed to rain or damp.


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