

 Description of disease :
Heartburn and Waterbrash are prominent symptoms of indigestion, produced by acridity of the secretions. Heartburn consists in a sensation of heat or burning which extends from the stomach to the throat; and Waterbrash in the vomiting or regurgitation of a watery, sour, or bitter fluid.

Medicinal treatment
 Calcarea carbonica
 In cases of heartburn after any kind of food, or may be taken after Sulphur, if necessary.
 Dose. -Two grains, dry on the tongue, three times a day.
 Nux vomica
 May be given in all ordinary cases, either alone or in alternation with Sulphur.
 Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every three, four, or six hours. 
 In all cases of long standing. -See Nux Vomica.
 Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water three times a day or alternately every four or six hours with Nux Vomica.

Accessory treatment
 See under Indigestion. -Daily friction over the abdomen. The diet should consist of fresh animal food, eggs, and biscuit, together with a little weak brandy and water, or toast-water. A glass of cold water, or a little essence of ginger, will often remove this symptom.


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