Hoarseness; (raucitas):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Description of disorder:
Rough and indistinct voice and cough, sometimes accompanied by pain, asthma, and rattling in the throat. It frequently results from a chill, and often accompanies measles, croup, influenza, etc.

Catarrhal hoarseness (from a cold) :
Medicinal treatment
Is an excellent remedy in recent slight, cases from a chill, with much phlegm, or rattling of mucus, the place in the throat feeling sore where the mucus is detached.
Dose. -Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four or six hours.
Mercurius solubilis
Is frequently an excellent medicine to follow Nux Vomica, or is useful in cases of general severe cold, with much chilliness, sneezing, and running from the nose.
Dose. -Two grains repeated as Chamomilla.
Nux vomica
Is a prominent remedy to commence with, especially if there is a stuffed feeling in the head, or dry, rough, fatiguing cough.
Dose. -As Chamomilla.
Is a valuable medicine in violent catarrhs, with great hoarseness, or with cough and dryness in the throat, or soreness in the chest.
Dose. -As Chamomilla.
I frequently required in catarrhal hoarseness after Mercurius Sol. and is especially useful in cases resulting from cold, damp weather.
Dose. -Two grains twice or three times a day.
Accessory treatment
The wet bandage round the throat (see Sore Throat) at night, or the application of a warm poultice, will frequently relieve. Wash the neck, throat, and chest frequently with cold water, gargle and drink freely of the same, and keep the feet warm and dry. -See Catarrhal Fever, Cold in the Head, Cough and Loss of Voice.

Chronic hoarseness:
Medicinal treatment
Carbo vegetabilis
If worse in the evening, or after talking, or in damp and cold weather.
Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water every six hours.
Hepar sulphur
When there is much roughness or soreness in the throat and chest, and is in the throat and chest, and is in many cases of obstinate hoarseness an excellent remedy.
Dose. -As Carbo Vegetabilis.
See under Catarrhal Hoarseness. Also if the voice is almost extinct.
Dose. -Two drops repeated as Carbo Vegetabilis.
Is useful in cases affected by cold, damp weather, or with much roughness in the throat, and is frequently useful in cases of long standing, to complete the cure.
Dose. -As Carbo Vegetabilis.
Accessory treatment
See under Catarrhal Hoarseness. -Use plenty of cold water, or cold salt water, and cold sponging, with vigorous friction afterwards. The diet should be plain and simple; take but little meat, and avoid stimulants, keep the feet warm, and do not exert the voice.


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